Looking for any constructive criticism on how I could do better or best practices.
I've just completed a front-end coding challenge from @frontendmentor! 🎉
You can see my solution here: https://www.frontendmentor.io/solutions/blog-card-with-responsive-units-G4A0-rcpJ6
Any suggestions on how I can improve are welcome!
Frontend Mentor
Frontend Mentor | Blog Card with responsive units coding challenge ...
Stroudy's front-end solution for the Blog preview card coding challenge on Frontend Mentor
1 Reply
Looks good!
A good practice is to keep all of the needed code files in a separate folder, away from the developer environment. It is not obvious what is the project setup and what was developed as a result.
I would use <time></time> for the date. Also, use complex CSS selector can lower the number of classes.
instead of
Because img is nested in the element using .author, the CSS will target the image similarly, using less CSS lines of code.