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Anyone know an up to date replacement for CooldownsX ?

Needing a replacement as CooldownsX is now unsupported and doesnt have any versions above 1.19 , so a 1.21 replacement would be a lifesaver

Lands - how can i do for the player cannot build in the claim world

In the claim world, i have a problem : players can break in the wilderness How can i do for the people cannot build in the wilderness If with world guard i put the flag "build" to "deny" the player in their lands cannot build....

Nametag Removal From TAB, Any Plugin Alternatives?

Recently the customtagname field was removed from TAB, so the username tag above the player head no longer changes. There doesn't seem to be any other plugins that allow for this feature, other than plugins like UnlimitedNameTags, which we purchased but it uses display entities and I've seen a few bugs with it. Does anyone know of any alternatives to the customtagname feature that TAB had, in a similar way to TAB, rather than using display entities? Mainly in terms of changing the tag username to essentials nickname, thank you.

Disabling Bungee /server Command

I am wanting to disable the /server command for everyone except Admin and staff...and make everyone else use a portal from the server hub, to whatever world they would like to play in. I have tried disabling it in the Bungee config as well, by setting it to staff/admin only...but that did not work and made it so no one, not even Sys Op could use the command. I tried adding bungeecord.command.server in LuckPerms in the worlds, and then setting it to false...still did nothing, and everyone could still use the /server command. How do I accomplish blocking the /server command for everyone but Admin/Staff...and only allowing that tranport by portal? Any help is appreciated. Thank you!...

Disabling generation of certain structures temporarily

I’m in a bit of a tricky situation. I’m trying to stop the generation of certain structures in my world (in this case villages, mansions, and outposts) temporarily and then resume it later. Reason: I’ve found a wonderful seed for my SMP server and would like to build a handful of custom towns on it in various biomes around spawn. In the chunks I load I’d like to stop the generation of these annoying surface structures. But then once I’m done building, I want to turn on those structures so my players can find them out in the world. Does anyone have any advice on how this can be done?...

2 nodes to one

Hello, I have 2 pterodactyl nodes. I just bought a 3rd better one, and I want to merge the data of both nodes onto the 3rd one. How do I do this?

Could someone help me to figure out what is wrong with this .json? It won't give the item

{ "displayName": "Rocket Grunt Spawny", "battleAI": "generation5", "isRematchAllowed": true, "forbiddenLabel": ["legendary", "mythical"],...

Handling SRV records

So im working on doing SRV records for my server so I can just have an IP, without a port at the end, and as far as I understand it's not too complicated at all, but I'm still pretty confused as it doesnt work, heres the current setup for it, any help is useful!

How do I customize essentials messages?

I want to remove some messages, and change some colors/messages. Every time I try to with it breaks essentials.

Singapore Ryzen 9000 dedi

I'm currently using OVH Advance 1 (Epyc 4244p, 64GB Ram) and still wondering if there is any dedicated server providers out there with 9600X in singapore. My budget is around 150 usd. Not sure if I could get one beefy dedi like this.

Long config changing session

What program do you use for like a 2/4 hour config changing session? Winscp's internal editor Downloading the config folder and using VSC to edit the files? (I was thinking of doing that) Rawdogging and editing from ssh? What are your choices on this im curious on that...

Fabric Cobblemon Error Ubuntu. Fabric worked raw and exception thrown after adding cobblemon

I am trying to run a fabric server with cobblemon off of ubuntu, when I try to run the server I started getting an exception "Error extracting mod adventure-platform-fabric 5.14.1" I can run the same mod list off of my windows desktop and it appears that mod is part of fabric itself and I ran it without all of the cobblemon mods included any ideas what could cause that?

nginx egg wordpress

Hey y'all so I keep getting a database connection time out when I try to access wordpress through the nginx egg I found (yes I double checked to make sure it wasn't malicious). I've tried 1. creating a database and user manually....

Antiswear plugin

Im looking for a plugin that has different punishments depending on the word that is said. I currently have AdvancedAntiSwear and GriefPrevention Banned Words Module. I am currently looking at but dont know which would be recommended. Please ping m...

Filezilla Open for write: permission denied

I am currently trying to load mods into a multiplayer minecraft server being run through putty's Linux VM. However, I am getting the error "open for write: permission denied" when trying to drag mods from my desktop to the VM through filezilla.

Recommendation for a good RTP plugin?

Does anyone know of a good RTP plugin that doesn't eat up resources or skyrockets the TPS of the server?

Trying to run a CurseForge mod (Prominence 2) through Oracle VM

Hello, I am currently trying to host a multiplayer minecraft server with the Prominence 2 Hausterian Era Curseforge mod. I have went through the process of setting up an instance of an Oracle VM + using Putty with the VM, but am unable to find a guide online on how to install Curseforge + the mod I need in the VM. Any help would hbe greatly appreciated, thank you!

Just need general help with setting up my server. Pterodactyl - Ubuntu 24.04 - Oracle VM.

I am going to have many questions, my first question is that ive followed this page I am trying to put in the command: CREATE USER 'pterodactyl'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourPassword'; And im getting back: ...