Is there an way to install seek function on my bot?
I tried AudioResource's playStream seek, but it doesn't work.
What can I do? I think there's way because discord-player can do that task.
Could someone help me? I saw discord-player's code, but I can't realize it....
SpeakingMap stops triggering 'start' events after some time
My bot is connected to the voice channel through a VoiceConnection and has a VoiceReceiver. I added an event listener for the 'start' event of the SpeakingMap. It seems to work fine for around 1 minute then stops triggering. Any help would be appreciated.
My bot is playing music from an online radio station, but the music stops playing after like 30 seconds. I thought it was something with YouTube only, but it also affects my radio bot. Is there any way to fix it without pauses in between the music?
How to seek an aduio
const resource = createAudioResource(path, { seek: 60000, volume: 1 });
const resource = createAudioResource(path, { seek: 60000, volume: 1 });
const resource = createAudioResource(path);, { seek: 60000, volume: 1 });
const resource = createAudioResource(path);, { seek: 60000, volume: 1 });
AudioPlayer#stop method
so like it mentions that the player will be destroyed so what am confused is like how? I checked the source and all I see is the resource being destroyed, not the player and if it is actually destroying the player, does it mean I have to make a new
?Multiple Voice Connections
Is it possible to have multiple voice connection subscription for a guild? if so, how would I go about retrieving a particular/specific connection that I'd like to terminate?
connection destroy, disconnect
Is it possible to destroy the connection with disconnecting the bot,
I’ve a command that play an audio < 35 sec
What I’m doing right now that i just use the same connection, but then i will see the warn...
Connecting to voice connecting
Hi, I would like to know if it's possible to connect to the voice connection (to only send audio) only with the token, endpoint and sessionId, I don't have access to the bot token (this is how the project I'm doing works) and the client sends me those informations (as well with client id and etc)
I couldn't find anywhere to do that, is that possible, if not, is there any other way to do it?...
after a certain time, the sound in the vocal cut and i catch this error, idk where did this come from...discord opus error
Hi I'm facing a node gyp error when trying to install discordjs/opus in nodejs v 16.9.1
Audio stops playing
Yeah, it's another one of these posts and at this point I've pretty much lost all patience with this broken library.
The issue is that, after joining a voice channel and beginning to stream audio (from an arbitrary URL source) for a bit, the bot will stop producing any sound and appears to have stopped transmitting audio to discord altogether (based on Network Activity dropping to nil).
That's not the worse part....
retrieving a subscribed AudioPlayer on a voice connection
I mean we have the function
that retrieves a VoiceConnection for a guild so is there any way to get an AudioPlayer from it so that I can pause/resume/destroy it from any command?No Audio Is Played
Hello! I'm new to using
so I'm hoping I'm just missing something simple.
I'm trying to get my bot to play a local audio file within voice. The bot joins the channel, but doesn't make a noise.
This is the relevant code:...player.on(AudioPlayerStatus.Idle, async () => {} not emitting when the song finished
[email protected]
player.on(AudioPlayerStatus.Idle, async () => {}
player.on(AudioPlayerStatus.Idle, async () => {}
yt audio player aborted
what is happening here?
const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('@discordjs/builders');
const { VoiceConnection, createAudioResource, StreamType, joinVoiceChannel, createAudioPlayer } = require('@discordjs/voice');
const { ChannelType } = require('discord.js');...
Mix receiver streams efficiently
Anyone know how to mix receiver streams efficiently (in real time by keeping it a stream, no ffmpeg)?
I tried using an npm library, audio-mixer, works but sounds horrible. Is there other libraries, maybe something built in...? I heard web audio api is a thing, but dont understand how to combine that with streams and then use the mixed stream in my node.js app.
Any other ideas or examples?...
How can I add seek function to my discordjs music bot?
I don't want to use discord-playr to just install seeking function. I saw the discord-player's code, but I can't realize which are seeking functions.
If someone is good at seeking function with discord.js, please teach me if you can.
Audio Dying after some Minutes of Playback
My Audio dies after some minutes of playback of a mp3 stream
Pipe something into a AudioReceiveStream
I'm trying to pipe a stream into an AudioReceiveStream:
```let opusStream = new AudioReceiveStream({
end: EndBehaviorType.Manual