discord.js - Imagine an app


discord.js - Imagine an app

Support server for discord.js, a Node.js module to interact with Discord's apps API.




slash commands not working

My slash commands arent working. Give me a moment to get the code!

Commands send twice

Commands send twice pushes an error to console and sends an error There was an error while executing this command! ```js...

"I got banned from the API for refreshing too much."

As I mentioned, the system kept shutting down and restarting due to deleting too many messages. I kindly request the unbanning of my API access. You can use this email address for communication, and my account is also linked to this email. Best regards, Rick v25...

Bot's role hierarchy position problem

So apparently in order to allow a bot to add a role to a user, the bot's role position should be above the role you are trying to assign to the user or else you will get a Missing Permissions error. Is there a way to programmatically place the bot's role in the highest position in the server's role hierarchy? I tried using the setPosition method but nothing seems to work

Get Option Label

I have a command with an option that has pre-defined text choices people can choose from. I get the value of the selected option on an interactionCreate event, but would it be possible to get the name / label of the option? Thanks!

missing permissions / permissions are already granted

Hey there, my bot is not able to create a channel. As the error suggests, it is missing some kind of permission, although it already has both manage roles and manage channels permissions to create the channel with permission overwrites. Is there any possible solution?...

linking external modules

I made a warn.js with a module.export but I dont know how to link it back to my index.js file

Async not working

when I write this code it shows a red underline underneath it

Not getting autocomplete info

Hey, i'm experimenting with the latest discordjs (14.x) and I've set up my command as normal. Command is registered fine, the only thing is I don't get any info. What am I missing

Cannot install @discordjs/opus (djs ver 14.5.3)

Have tried with bun 1.1.22, node 22, and currently am using Node 18. This error log was produced with the commands npm init -y, npm i discord.js, and then finallly npm i @discordjs/opus Am I doing something wrong? I can't get anything from the error, only the fact that the build failed....

Routes.guildMembers() only shows one member

I've checked guilds, roles, emojis those are fine except this one
No description

Supported impersonationsold version

As the title suggests, the most supported I'm curious which version is the older one. Is there a separate way to check?...

channel fetch

When u fetch messages from text channel does it also fetch messages in threads?

pass variables into <ShardClientUtil>.broadcastEval()

I've got the following code: ``js var commandName = foo`; await client.shard.broadcastEval(async (c) => {...

Hi I want to learn how to make simple commands in discord.js

It's not important but I want to learn how to make them.


I've recently begun programming using discord.js and when I try to deploy my commands I get this error: ``` "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" C:\Users\user\IdeaProjects\bot\src\deploy-commands.js node:fs:1507...

Migrating v12 command to v14

Hey guys, what’s up I’m currently looking for a way to convert an old Text Encoder and Decoder from Text to Binary and vise e versa from v12 to v14 can, is this the right place to ask for help?


Code: ```JS await message.channel.send({ embeds: [...

Broad JS Question

What is the difference between how NodeJS and Python installs modules? I’m installing modules on JS and I got system information download and fine but as soon as I got to use electron it said it wasn’t defined. I checked to make sure everything is installed and it is.