call translation
User Context Menu in group dms - not sending interaction to gateway

How to setup constants/variables outside of module.exports ?

the submitreview button is only becoming available after i submit all the 4 inputs and resubmit sum
GuildMemberUpdate only fires when my bot's roles are modified.
Shard Error
Error [ShardingInProcess]: Shards are still being spawned.

Working on SKU / Monetization
Error installing packages.
User Isntall not registering slash commands
Error when installing packages
.ENV file does not recognized in Synology NAS after shutdown
Reaction Collector not collecting reactions in DMs
Is this possible with discord.js?
i get the "This interaction failed" error for the last five "if" statements.
GuildScheduledEventUserAdd and Remove not working for users that aren't me
Commands send twice
There was an error while executing this command!