returned user from getUser option
when u get the requested user from interaction.options.getUser or whatever its called thats supplies a "member" right? and not a "user" aka your in the scope of the guild
Hello I have been trying to setup slash commands and it keeps saying
isn't a function how can I stop stop this?
Permission Checks
Is there any like suggested way to make permission checks? I have been doing fetch with force set to true to make sure that the person who executes certain command still possesses HR command but then again, is it the way I should do it since I don't want to send lots of requests.
what is "with reason"
So there are bots like bloxlink which update roles a lot for users but like, what is the with reason field? I haven't seen it before and it seems like a new thing.

Give role on To-Do checklist completion
Is there an event for when the member completes the Onboarding To-Do checklist?
Steps I should take to avoid rate limits?
I haven't had any issues with rate limits, but I am just curious if discord.js handles rate limits for me or if I need to manually stagger requests?
Questions about what is "spam" when it comes to messaging users with a bot
This post relates to an earlier post I made (that I can't access) where I was informed that mass messaging wasn't allowed and I was linked to the TOS. I read through it and the official discord community guideline:
It seems I cannot give unsolicited messages, but if I inform users beforehand and have them opt in, then from my reading it seems like I can message however many people I want. This is important because I am trying to make a sample bot, that messages users with a question.
So I just want to clarify and make sure I won't get banned as long as I have consent before hand and the users can opt in/out?...
Receiving special banners on the server
if the user has a private banner on the server, with which code will I show it?
Process on transferring from JS -> TS
What would the process entail of converting my bot from JS -> TS? If this helps, the base framework is built off
How many people can my discord bot DM message before it's limited?
I have a sample system that I am thinking of making it DM people to request an answer. Is this possible to do if I want to sample 24 people from my server?
Send a message in a specific channel?
I copy pasted the guide and it doesn't work. Maybe there are some errors?
```import { Client, Events, GatewayIntentBits, Partials } from "discord.js"
const channel = client.channels.cache.get("1274810907113029664");
const timePassed = 0...
Attempting to react to messages older than bot does not work
I'm trying to make my bot react with an emoji to all messages that are in a server. However, the reactions do go back by one day, but don't go farther than that.
Here's the code:
const { Client, Events, GatewayIntentBits, Partials, TextChannel } = require("discord.js")
const env = require("dotenv")...
Get message by ID and then update it
I tried this but ...
does not exist
Error that I cannot solve
Basically I got an unexpected error.
Codes: index.js
Error: ...
Discord slash commands aren't registering
const { REST, Routes } = require('discord.js');
const commands = [...
How Do I install
I want to use "Discord bot Client" but I need to install discord.js fist so how do I do this
Interaction from Guild the bot is in emitting with uncached Guild
Continuing here to make it easier to keep track