discord.js - Imagine an app


discord.js - Imagine an app

Support server for discord.js, a Node.js module to interact with Discord's apps API.




Getting message context after modal submission best practice

I have a message context action that gives the user a modal. When the modal is submitted, what is the best practice for getting/saving the message context that opened the modal in the first place? ChatGPT is suggesting to pass the messageID in the customID field and parsing it out, which I guess would work, but what is the best way?...
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Mee6 Import Script/Command

I have a custom bot that was originally written by another person who created this bot to allow others to have their own custom bots. I have since edited it for my own use and messed about with it and I'm now looking how to create a Mee6 import script or command that will allow me to use my bot to manage people's levels in my server, however, using the xp that they previously gained using Mee6. I would also like to create a leaderboard that will show everyone's levels. Could I receive some help...

simple template to load slash cmds from

hey, im looking for a simple template to load slash cmds from i couldnt find anything online and asked copilot but they came back with weird shit pls help šŸ™

How would I lock a command behind a specific role?

I want to make a command that only a specific role can run.

Can i fetch every message from a channel?

Hello, i'm trying to make a bot that sends a random cat photo from the cat photos channel, but i don't know how i can get every message on the channel.

Get the date of a user joining discord

Is there a way to use the Discord API to get the date when a user joined discord (not a guild) or does discord not give out that infommation. I was unable to find any traces

Shard Error

Not enough sessions remaining to spawn 1 shards only 0 remaining; resets at 2024-09-29T08:20:23.377Z
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How do I make a Message Context Action

Currently I have: ```js const logSearchContextMenu = new ContextMenuCommandBuilder() .setName('Get Time')...

Message Collector help

Hey all, Im having some issues with message collectors in DM's.. i cant get the bot to actually collect anything at all when the user replies to the bot's dm? is it a code error or something else? ...


is there a way to know what permissions my bot has in a specific channel? (ignoring the role permissions he has when we got to the guild) because when I use interaction.channel.permissionsFor(interaction.guild.members.me) returns the combined permissions he has in role perspective and channel...

I get an error saying ReferenceError: GatewaysIntentBits is not defined and I don't know how to fix

const { Client, GatewayIntentBits, Partials } = require('discord.js'); console.log("Running"); const client = new Client({...

Attachment won't send

Hello everyone, again, so this time i encountered an issue where when i take attachment as an option I cannot output it. Code: ``const { SlashCommandBuilder, EmbedBuilder } = require(discord.js`); module.exports = {...



How do I run code

I haven't done discord.js in a while and I forgot how to run the code šŸ˜­ Any help would be appriciated...


```ts client.on("guildAuditLogEntryCreate", async (log, guild) => { if(log.action === AuditLogEvent.ChannelCreate) { console.log(log.target?.id); // error }...


heya, its possible to add emoji into a embed for example:
name: ':credit_card: Payment Methods',
value: '
name: ':credit_card: Payment Methods',
value: '
:neteller: Neteller\n:payeer: Payeer\nšŸŖ™ Pesos Mexicanos\nšŸ’³ Gift Card```'...


Hello everybody! I'm trying to implement in my project the feature that allows the user to show a presence on Discord just using their authentication token. For it I'm using the modified Discord.js script provided at https://github.com/seia-soto/chrome-discord-presence. My question is how can I use https://discord.js.org/docs/packages/discord.js/14.16.2/ClientUser:Class#setActivity to show a presence as customized as https://github.com/pandasoli/nekovim/raw/master/docs/final-preview.gif ? The documentation of ClientUser.setActivity doesn't say anything about changing the images....

How do I prevent this if you press a button several times that it makes the error below?

```Error retrieving command list: DiscordAPIError[10062]: Unknown interaction at handleErrors (/home/container/node_modules/@discordjs/rest/src/lib/handlers/Shared.ts:148:10) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async BurstHandler.runRequest (/home/container/node_modules/@discordjs/rest/src/lib/handlers/BurstHandler.ts:144:20) at async _REST.request (/home/container/node_modules/@discordjs/rest/src/lib/REST.ts:210:20)...

Accessing Connections

Is it possible to get a users connections, for exmaple their steam connection to be able to verify their steam account owns a game or something similar? Even if it's just getting their steam username?