discord.js - Imagine an app


discord.js - Imagine an app

Support server for discord.js, a Node.js module to interact with Discords apps API.




Broken button handler: "interaction.isButton is not a function"

Discord.js npm version: 14.16.3 Node.js version: 20.9.0 Since yesterday I cant handle any interaction events where I check if the interaction is a button / chatinputcommand or modalsubmit interaction anymore (I only have these three). They are all build similar. ...
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New commands only appear after completely removing and re-adding bot from servers

This is my deploy-commands.js: `const { REST, Routes } = require('discord.js'); const { clientId, token } = require('./config.json'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path');...

User install command emojis error

so basically I made a user install command and I added emojis to the embed, they're not discord emojis, and they are not showing but if I use the command in a server with the bot in, they show normally

Simple question: Is Discord on-boarding verification safer than a Discord Bot?

Hi. Should I use Discord on-boarding system to let users verify or should i use a discord bot?

deferReply and reply

can I not have deferReply and instead of doing followUp I just do reply when using slash commands

How to delete reply of an interaction that caused my interaction after 3 seconds?

I have a message with a button, when that button is clicked it sends another ephemeral message with another button. How do I delete the message that was sent by the previous interaction, when the last button so clicked after 3+ seconds. How do I delete message 2 once I press No. I tried using interaction.deferReply and interaction.deferUpdate already. interaction.deleteReply() (also in combination with interaction.deleteReply()) does not work, it gives me an unknown webhook error....
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Missing Access Error when updating Guild Features

I want to update GuildFeature.InvitesDisabled I tried this: ```js...
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DiscordAPIError[50035]: Invalid Form Body0[AUTO_MODERATION_MAX_RULES_OF_TYPE_EXCEEDED]: Maximum num

Hello, when I activate the rule it works perfectly, when I deactivate it the same, but when I activate it again this error appears, even though it is deactivated on the server: command: name: 'spam messages', creatorId: '733205573025267732', enabled: true,...


I'm used to the old days of just doing commands with text in the chat !commands for example. Slash commands and such are quite new so I was going over the documentation page from Discord themselves, and have been trying to figure out "DEFERRED_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_WITH_SOURCE". ```js res.send({ type: InteractionResponseType.DEFERRED_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_WITH_SOURCE,...


what's the most recommended way for a datastore in a discord bot?

Learning sources

Can anyone tell me sources from which I can learn Discord js and can make a bot . Coz i want to learn and also code a bot for my discord server . Kindly help....

How to automatically set status?

As in, when I first setup discord.js, it would make my bots status "online", when the code was running, and "offline" when it wasn't. How can I return to that behavior? (I used client.user.setStatus(PresenceUpdateStatus.Online); once, and it never went offline again)....

how to remove watch button from streams and put in your discord rpc buttons for ur discord bot?

how to remove watch button from streams and put in your discord rpc buttons for ur discord bot? i dont get it

How to rename a channel when bot goes offline?

Here is what I did: ```js function updateChannelName(newChannelName) { const canal = client.channels.cache.get('1295783100709732352')...

Trying to create a transcript

I use discord-html-transcripts to try to get a transcript of the current channel sent to a different one. Image shows what the error seems to be, but I have no idea what it means </3 Code: ```js const attachment = await discordTranscripts.createTranscript(interaction.channel, {...
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Registering Command

I'm working on my own discord bot for the first time and i got it to where it can go online and so i made a command and a command register script and it wont register the commands, here is my code: const { REST, Routes } = require('discord.js'); const { clientId, guildId, token } = require('../config.json'); const fs = require('node:fs');...

how do i access the context menu targetid post-modal submission?

how do i access the context menu targetid post-modal submission? including a textfield

How can I get an array of all the posts in a forum?

Hey there, I looked at the documentation but couldn't find anything regarding forum channels. I want to create a Slash Command that accepts a forum channel as input and then returns an array of all the posts that are in that forum. Any help would be much appreciated...

Activity isn`t showing

I`m using
client.user.setActivity('Visit our site!', { type: 'WATCHING', url: 'https://adwinstore.com' });
client.user.setActivity('Visit our site!', { type: 'WATCHING', url: 'https://adwinstore.com' });
to set the Activity ...
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