Live X feed tracker
Hey, I want to make a bot that can track different X users and will post their posts, replies and reposts in a discord channel immediately. What kind of tools would i need to use or does someone have any suggestions for me?
what happens to the "main listener" when using a message collector?
suppose i use a
client.on('messageCreate', ...)
(eg. for collecting DMs) and a messageCollector.on('collect', ...)
on a channel simultaneously
would the same message appear on both listeners? or would it only appear on the "most restrictive listener" (ie. the channel msg collector) or some other rule?...Prefix Guide (V14)
Hello, i am interested if there is a still official discordjs guide for Prefix Commands, i don't really wanna use official one with slash commands but i wanna know if it exists
Ban does not work?
When I try to do this:
await interaction.guild.bans.create( (reason)).catch(err => {
return interaction.reply({ content: "Can't execute!", ephemeral: true})
How to properly communicate between shards?
I tried something like this, but it ended up sending hundreds of messages when it should have sent one, or otherwise just crashing out. I can't seem to find a good guide or example on how to set up a way for one shard to communicate something to all shards.
// Index.ts
.then(shards => {...
Interaction.member.roles is either string array or role manager
as the title says, how should I handle it, how can I force it to always give me on or the other?
Caching Issues
Hello! I'm fairly new to discord.js and I have some issued with this code I wrote.
```if (oldMember.partial) await oldMember.fetch();
if (newMember.partial) await newMember.fetch();
How to record Silent Parts of an Voice Channel Recording
i wanted to make an bot to record cause i dont wanna pay for craig for some features... and i noticed the slient part of my recordings are "gone".
Here is my Code...
Managing Internal Queues
Apparently Discord.js has an internal queueing system for managing API requests to prevent exceeding rate limits. When I try to handle rate limits explicitly using something like:
```cpp"rateLimited", (error) => {
// Handle rate limit
Property 'voice' does not exist on type 'GuildMember | APIInteractionGuildMember'.
Hi, how can I make this typesafe?
if (!interaction.member?.voice?.channel) {
return await interaction.reply({...
Destroy a client (logout) after using it
So for the past 2 days i've been searching for a way to logout of the token after destroying it. Is there any way?
Slash commands not working
So I have registered my / commands and when I type them, I have a console log to show that it has received the interaction and which one was executed, but it doesn't actually execute the commands.
This is my interactionCreate handler
```const { Events } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = {...
Fetching entitlements of an app
Relatively new with the library, is it possible from a backend service to use discord js to fetch the entitlements of a given application? to be specific, once you manage to setup and initialize the Discord client using
and the corresponding token, how would one access the entitlements of a given user ID?How to handle multiple slash commands simultaenously?
When multiple people run slash commands on my bot, it always makes the commands fail until the current process is completed. How do I make it so people can use multiple commands at the same time?
message.embeds empty
I am working on a bot that checks the embeds on a message, but its just always empty, if I take the message link and take a look the message clearly has a embed. I do fetch the message before using, even with force enabled. Is there some common reason why this might be happening?
running scripts is disabled
ive recently moved from Mac to Windows. ive got no problem running code in vsc on the Mac but on Windows it says my permissions are not allowed to run scripts. followed 3 diff ways to allow and still no luck. any help here is more than appreciated.
Delay Issue
Hello there,
I got bots in many servers but only in 1 server i face delay issue that need some seconds to execute. Everything, is that cause server is bugged or something false from my side? (I dont use timeouts ect on the bot so the delay is not used anywhere)...
Error while DM user
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'createDM')
at Object.execute (E:\0giochi-miei\Js\bot discord\imperyaTicket\commands\admin\close.js:96:34)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:105:5)
at async Client.<anonymous> (E:\0giochi-miei\Js\bot discord\imperyaTicket\index.js:75:9)...