Getting poll results
Hi there,
I am trying to make a bot that makes a poll and then responds with the winning answer to the poll, How do i do this?
Event to signify the launching on an activity
Is there a particular gateway event to know if an installed activity has been launched/started by a user in a Discord server? (appropriate gateway event to listen to)
discord rest api how to send dm ?
Hello, I am using discord-api-types and discordjs/rest for my worker based discord bot. According to docs,
is for sending messages to any discord server's channel. But I want to send message to a user's DM, how do I do that?..., ...));, ...));
Transcript to URL
So right now i already have it going to my panel and it goes to the correct file location but... Whenever i try using the link with express it says Cannot GET /transcripts/general-support-14.html
Collector Error
if (data) {
const Btns = new Discord.ActionRowBuilder()
.addComponents(...Role mention
Please help me set up role notifications. My bot does not notify the role when sending a message in the chat. It has the Administrator role.

I tried switching the file I am running node with but it keeps referencing the wrong file.
Yes I am in the right directory, uninstalled and reinstalled node. And cleared the cache.

Commands not visible
I have the problem that when I push the commands globally, the commands are not available even after hours. However, it worked on my test server.
No errors in console.
Thanks in advance!
Fetch the prices of each SKU in your application store front
Hello, is it possible to fetch the prices of SKUs from your application store front using discord.js?
Button not firing interactionCreate event
I'm making a simple event signup bot tailored to my server. When registering for an event, you have to choose a character either from a list of existing characters or create a new one. When choosing the option to create a new character I never get a interactionCreate event to either the client's event listener or to
either. It's entirely possible I'm being really dumb here (have been working for several hours today and honestly should probably take a break), but I really can't figure it out. Screenshots of both the code and some relevant bot messages below.
I'm getting zero console messages too. Tried putting one inside the filter
option on awaitMessageComponent
as well and nada.
[email protected]
node v20.11.0...
How to make slash commands work globally (in other servers and in dms where bot is not presentt
What do I do in my code to make it work? I have tried everything but the slash command does not work no matter what I do. I am using instaloader that is using a python script (isnt in the JS code, the js code only handles command).
gaving probelm in ternminal
but the code is running nice in vscode
Live X feed tracker
Hey, I want to make a bot that can track different X users and will post their posts, replies and reposts in a discord channel immediately. What kind of tools would i need to use or does someone have any suggestions for me?
what happens to the "main listener" when using a message collector?
suppose i use a
client.on('messageCreate', ...)
(eg. for collecting DMs) and a messageCollector.on('collect', ...)
on a channel simultaneously
would the same message appear on both listeners? or would it only appear on the "most restrictive listener" (ie. the channel msg collector) or some other rule?...Prefix Guide (V14)
Hello, i am interested if there is a still official discordjs guide for Prefix Commands, i don't really wanna use official one with slash commands but i wanna know if it exists
Ban does not work?
When I try to do this:
await interaction.guild.bans.create( (reason)).catch(err => {
return interaction.reply({ content: "Can't execute!", ephemeral: true})
How to properly communicate between shards?
I tried something like this, but it ended up sending hundreds of messages when it should have sent one, or otherwise just crashing out. I can't seem to find a good guide or example on how to set up a way for one shard to communicate something to all shards.
// Index.ts
.then(shards => {...