


We are a programming server aimed at coders discussing everything related to C# (CSharp) and .NET.


How to update mysql server data?

Hi, I'm building todo list project server. I wanna update database but have got 500 error. ```...

Newtonsoft Json not deserializing with some property/constructor names

Hi, I'm using newtonsoft json to serialize and deserialize my classes. Everything works perfect until I put the name ID, Identifier, UniqueIdentifier anywhere in my class or Constructor which is to be deserialized. For example: ``` public class Command { public string UniqueID { get; set; }...


im under 18 and i wanted to start earning some money. and i'll think i can learn c# and work to somebody or just making my own game.i realy wanted to know is this op and how much does it take me to learn it and how much can i ern per month

βœ… Operators in C#

Hello, can someone explain what is being said here that we will get inaccurate results; I try it and get the correct result of 1.4 for some cases.
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Where to handle mapping between DTOs and Entity objects?

Lets say I have controller GET /users/ which returns UserDTO. Where would I do this mapping between User and UserDTO? - In controller: userService.GetUsers -> transform to UserDTO list -> return list - in service: Method UserService.GetUsers does the mapping and returns UserDTO list - in separate service: I have two methods in my service: GetUsers (which returns Entity objects) and GetUsersDTO (which calls GetUsers method and map it) - anything else?...

Othello WPF game

I'm absolutely desperate for some help. I'm triyng to make a othello game for like 6 months now but i just don't know what to do and i just want to finish this godforsaken assignment. The video shows how far i've come....

Learn help

I want to find someone could learn together

βœ… Implementing delete repository method & controller | Web Api

I would love to know how to properly implement delete repository method, in particularly how to handle possible null values.

βœ… status code 200 (from disk cache) instead of 301

Recently I had mad a IIS rule to 301 redirect a particular url to another page. For the first time if I hit the url it's status code is 301(permanent) and the redirection is happening. But if I hit the url again it's returning 200 status code for the document but the redirection is happening. I want the status code as 301 even if I hit it multiple times in the same browser. But also I need this fix to happen for the particular url and doesn't affect other urls of the site...

WPF button animation

I have this button I am trying to animate

EFCore SQL translate

How to i customize the SQL translate from EF core when add an entity that generate to similry raw SQL like this: ```SQL INSERT INTO "users" ("name", "email") VALUES ( pgp_sym_encrypt('john', '123'),...

βœ… WPF button animation

I have a button using WPF, It is a transparent background button with an icon as the picture and no text. I need to animate the top part so that it rotates 45 degrees, can someone help me do this?

βœ… Storing information

What is the best way to save/load information on startup and closing program?

Migration error

Hi, I'm building C# web servier connect with MySQL server. But in the migration with MySQL server step I have got this error. How can I fix this?...
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C# access database

Hi, I’m currently working on a project and my database lets me register and it will upload to the table perfectly fine but I go to login and it doesn’t exist. The user id is incrementing perfectly and the hashed password should be working fine. So I can’t find the issue and I’m unsure why the program won’t log in. I’m very new to this and I’m very stuck has anyone got any ideas? I’m happy to give more information. I have spent so many hours trying to fix this it’s unbelievable!

Data types in C#

Hi guys, I'm currently learning C# with microsoft learn. I read elsewhere that C# contains 2 types of data types, primitive and referenced. I have a small background in Java. In java, we use the capitalized the first letter of any referenced data type because they are classes, like String. So, I was wondering if this is different in C#... I noticed that we declare a variable of type string as: string varName where the s is in lowercase.

βœ… Good practice question | Web Api

Is it good practice to avoid adding createdComment variable and map comment directly? ```csharp var comment = mapper.Map<Comment>(dto); ...

Help with optimisation

Hey guys: Have this code here for the following requirements :
//β€œHave the function MyLongestString(string[] strings) take an array of strings and return the word that is the longest in length. If there are two or more words with equal length then return the first word. If the array is empty return the string -1”. ...

Char help

What is the problem here I need to Write a program that accepts a character as input and prints the characters in 3-character increments....
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