Merineth πΈπͺ
Othello Reversi game
I'm supposed to create an entire othello also called Reversi game from scratch in C# WPF application.
I*m gonna be completely and utterly honest, i have no idea what to do and this assignment is way to hard for me. It's about 6+ months overdue and it's supposed to be done in groups of 3+ but the ones in my group just hopped of the course.
I'm unironically desperate for some help and would really appreciate it if someone had some time during the day to help me wrap this up. I've done most of the stuff already but i need help with the main logic. I'm desperate.
1493 replies
Othello WPF game
I'm absolutely desperate for some help. I'm triyng to make a othello game for like 6 months now but i just don't know what to do and i just want to finish this godforsaken assignment.
The video shows how far i've come.
385 replies
Exception handling
I'm trying to understand exceptions but i'm having a hard time.
So when an error occurs in my program. For example :
If the input here in this case wasn't an integer but a string. The program would crash right?
And to prevent it from crashing we use exception handling with
and catch
?31 replies