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Modulus Related Questions

How to solve this type of question by graph ? I know how to make graph but can't solve the questions given
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acid base

edit: A mein theres a hydrogen too at bottom
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no idea on how to du this
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Polynomial Ques

Literally every new ques I tried I can't solve it!!!!!
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Class 11 chemistry

i'm having some confusions here and there in the ncert exercises , so is there any websites that give deatiled solutions / any yt channels or smtng that explain them in English (ik theres ton in Hindi but that aint my mothertongue : (

Electrostatics Doubt

How to solve this ques it uses lamba = q/l but how does it comes ?
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correct answer is 5 is the second last structure aromatic if so how?...
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Relations Doubt

Don't even know what the approach should be
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Jee mains 2024 solutions

is there a youtube channel who solved the full jee paper 2024 (not speed solutions)

Doubting chirality of this compound

Also is dividing and checking symmetry of a cyclic compound is only applicable for gi?
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ellipse 2

ignore numerical values taken , ans only in a and b
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i do have a soln for this but can anyone explain how are parametric points assumed
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Que 6 How can it be zero order ? Logt1/2=loga-log2k? But in the graph there is no intercept...
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PnC: why am I wrong?

This is the logic I used: 1st slot: 2 possibilities (out of the ladies) 2nd slot: 2 possibilities (out of the old men) In the next 2 slots, anyone can fit (since "at most 2 young men" can't get violated when there are only 2 slots left)...
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Straight lines Locus

m eliminate jinjo raha help plijjj
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Vectors conceptual doubt (somewhat SHM related)

In this formula, what is A1 and A2? Clearly they're not interchangeable, as it would change the tan inverse angle
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Help please
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naming 2

1 Bromo 2 chloro 4 fluoro 6 iodo benzene ??
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Binomial term independent of x question

I know we're supposed to combine all the powers of x and equate them to 0, I just don't know how to do that here
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