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Yoho 🔥: A toy compiler written in mojo

Hello Mojocians. I'm writing a toy compiler in mojo.

NuMojo Moved into a GitHub Organization Updated to Include access to different backends

NuMojo now exists under the Mojo Numerics and Algorithms group (MoNA). For those of you that haven't heard of NuMojo, we are essentially trying to fill the same niche as numpy does for python. So far we have Tensor input versions of many of the standard library math functions. In the future we will have our own Tensor type and cover most, if not all, of the functionality of numpy and much of the functionality of scipy. As for our new backend functionality, we added a number of function-only structs that conform to a trait called Backend. From my testing, Vectorized is the fastest and is therefore the default backend....

How to Set Up Mojo with One Click?

Many people struggle to set up Mojo for testing. Recently, @Chris Lattner discussed how easy it is to develop projects in the cloud. GitHub Codespaces offers a free and simple solution for this. Mojo open source projects can create GitHub-compatible development containers, allowing others to set up Mojo with a single click and begin contributing immediately! I believe this approach to experimenting with Mojo should be emphasized more.

Fire Physics Engine: A simple 2d physics engine in Mojo

This is the first version of a simple 2d physics engine I have been working on. it is still in the very early stages of development and any contributions are welcome. If you want to try it out there is info on how to use it in the git repo. If you have any issues or questions please let me know and I will try to help.

awdy: A tqdm-like progress bar for Mojo Example code: ```python with awdy(total=100, leave=True) as pb: for i in range(100):...
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Basic Progress Bar for Mojo

Based on a discussion we had here on Discord, I implemented a basic progress bar in Mojo and put it on Github Just when i published it, @Ryulord pointed out another progress bar implementation to me, which he is about to introduce here. His implementation looks for sure more advanced, so look out for it (i leave it to him to post the link here .when he is ready) Nevertheless, I wiill keep my implementation on github for the time being, may it benefit....

GLibC.Mojo This is the beginnings of a wrapper for glibc in Mojo, it is written to help with extremely low level coding in Mojo, something I haven't really seen done yet. I would love help converting functions over or improving syntax, all documentation needed is available at


rules_mojo 🔥

Hey, I just published rules_mojo, an hermetic, reproducible way to build Mojo with Bazel and Nix, supporting all x86_64-linux distros ❤️

Implement and benchmark Softmax algorithms in Mojo

I gave my first try at Mojo, and really love its design. Did a weekend project on implementing online normalizer calculation of softmax, and made a vlog:

heapq.mojo - A Python's priority queue rewritten in Mojo.

Hi everyone, I wanted to share my implementation of heapq for Mojo, which you can find here: This is a minimalistic, single-file implementation of a Priority Queue (minheap) in Mojo, largely mimicking Python's functionality. While I know the concept isn't new and that existing Mojo implementations have already been posted (e.g.,, I wrote this mostly for educational purposes to explore Mojo and its tooling....


Various data-structures and other toys implemented in Mojo🔥. Current toys:...
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🥼 🐒 mojo small tests runner

Hello, here is a new small project using the apache 2.0 LLVM exceptions license!

Mojo port of Andrjey Karpathy's minbpe Minbpe is an implementation of various Tokenizers as they are commonly used in LLM application. This Mojo port is work in progress, particular looking into performance optimizations. One interesting aspect of this project for me is that there is a Rust port of minbpe and in some aspects of Tokenization this Mojo port is not yet a performant as the Rust implemention (which seems to be done very well). Not so much a competition with Rust for me, but extremely helpful to have this performance comparison to find aspect of my implemention which can be optimized ... ...

NuMojo - a library for numerical computing (like numpy and scipy)

Numojo intends to fill the non-AI numerical computing niche in the Mojo ecosystem, while still delivering all of the performance Mojo can bring. It is still new and a little rough around the edges. I am open for pull requests and would appreciate any discussions(either here or on Git Hub).

Prism: CLI Library (inspired by Golang's Cobra)

Prism This is a library for building CLI tools written purely in Mojo! It's inspired by the Cobra package from the Golang ecosystem.