


This server is the home of the MAX and Mojo community. Join us to chat about all things Modular!




Intellicense not working in Vscode

Somehow I don't get auto-completion. Is there any way to fix it? For more Info, please tell me!

Support to novel CIM hardware

How to support to novel analog CIM (computing in memory) simulator. It would be too difficult is mojo will not be opensourced? Any suggestions?

No dictionaries?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but Mojo doesn’t have dictionaries yet, does it?

Will Mojo eventually be fully open source?

I am hesitant to use Mojo as I fear that the developers of the language will eventually put key features behind a paywall once the language becomes more popular. I did note that the corporation developing Mojo is VC-backed and for-profit, so it would make sense for something like this to eventually happen

Installation issue. Exception: Could not find libpython

I'm running Debian 11, with Python 3.11 currently. I'm trying to install Mojo SDK. I've installed Modular CLI fine. When I run modular install mojo, all goes OK until: Exception: Could not find libpython. Check your Python installation and ensure that $LD_LIBRARY_PATH......

Issue with installing on fedora 38

I seem to be getting an issue when installing in fedora, modular works fine but modular install mojo doesn't finish and returns the following error: ``` == stderr ==...

SDK installation issues

Currently using WSL with Ubuntu 22.04.2. Modular was successfully downloaded and after running the modular install mojo command it does install mojo. However just before completion it stops at a certain point TEST: mojo --help... OK TEST: mojo run --help... OK TEST: mojo build test_mandelbrot.mojo... OK TEST: mojo build test_python.mojo... OK TEST: mojo demangle... OK...

Network Module

I didn't see networking in the roadmap. Is there a plan to build a mojo core module to interface with networking? Or is the C/C++ interop the vision to enable distributed mojo computing?

Can i compile to windows? if so how?

ik i can use -march to set the architecture but after that im lost

Support for Python requests?

Is the Python requests package supported natively? If so how do I import it and use it?

code editor on android

Is there code editor on android which supports mojo style?

Is there something similar to the ctypes library so that Python can use Mojo just like with C++?

I want to make an application using the 'flet' library, and with it, I want to perform complex calculations using Mojo. How can I make my .py file take into account a .mojo file and execute a complex calculation so that my .py file can then receive it?

Naive BigInt implementation - how to improve?

I decided to start off my Mojo journey with some fibonacci. I wanted to handle arbitrary sized integers, so implemented a BigInt class. besides the naive algorithm used - any suggestions for better syntax / use of Mojo types? ``` from utils.vector import DynamicVector...

Why doesn't fn() coerce to fn() capturing

This works thanks to the signatures being different: ```rs fn first(self, where: fn(T) -> Bool) -> Optional[T]: for item in self: if where(item): return item...

Is there a way to create lists of Strings yet?

I'm working on an implementation of Apache Arrow and it looks like we can't make lists of memory only types. Screenshot shows the full code but a minimal example is here: ``` var string_list = DynamicVectorString ...
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Installing the Mojo SDK fails

I'm trying to install the Mojo SDK on a Linux server running Debian 12. I have successfully installed the modular package. When running modular install mojo, it seems that the installer is trying to install a pip-install a site-wide python-package(!?), as I'm getting this error: ...

keyword arguments are not supported yet

how do I fix this? I'm trying to execute a function working in the background while also running the main function
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Is there an equivalent of PYTHONPATH? I would like to separate my test directory

I would like to setup my folder structure like this: ``` . ├── LICENSE ├── src...

in-place Relu operation on a matrix struct in memory

What would be the optimal portable way to code in mojo the Relu operation on a matrix struct sitting in memory (eg the struct you use in your matmul example), noting that tpu and gpu and cpu may or may not have relu arithmetic blocks on-chip

Hi all. I'm trying to create telegram bot with mojo (just for fan), but get an Error

That's my code `from python import Python def main(): let telebot = Python.import_module("telebot") let bot = telebot.TeleBot('TOKEN')...