


This server is the home of the MAX and Mojo community. Join us to chat about all things Modular!




Mojo user input

how can i take user input in mojo

Questions about Mojo AI

1: The documents tell us Mojo is "A language for next-generation compiler technology", so will it support to run on a FPGA or not?:python: 2: Is there any package that support deep learning, such as torch, in Mojo? :python: :cpu: :python:...

Compile time `U8`

@Modular Staff I'm writing to write a struct U8 that kind of models after Int. Here is my impl: ```...

How to build windows exe ?

How to build window exe ? , And how to develop a simple hello world gui ?

Is there a docker image? I have a debian x86-64 server I could use ..?

Is there a docker image? I have a debian x86-64 server I could use ..? As I am running my development on ARM M1 MacOS at the moment ..

I'd like to install on a docker server as opposed to run it on native system. any known issues?

I m going to give this a shot, but I don't know what might want to sit in a drive vs on the docker install itself. Do we have any guidelines or restrictions to try make this happen? It sounds straightforward, but i want to avoid doing it repeatedly. Would love any guidance here.

Running twice gives error

i've been trying to figure this out for a few days now, it's probably a memory leak, but i'm not sure. i'm hoping someone can give it a look over and lead me down the right track. heres the playground link:
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Can I use Python library like huggingface transformer?

I wonder It is possible to use transformers library for ai engineering i. Mojo environment

Windows native SDK support

I read the Modular page, Mojo page, specifically the "Get started with Mojo" page, and the "Roadmap & sharp edges" page. I cannot find any details on this. I also checked the various channels on this server and searched the mojo-chat forum by OS, Windows, etc..... . Approximately when (I realize no one has a crystal ball) does the dev team feel that the first (even available beta) Mojo SDK will be ready for Windows (not WSL2) native support. . Why I am asking. We are currently planning to shift from Python3 to Crystal which now has Windows native support, i.e. not just WSL2, although it is still not Tier 1, but frankly the compiler and VS Code extension are working very nicely. Python3 is solid, but it is too slow (even with NumPy) and at least for now Python does not ship default with Windows so we want a native binary .exe to ship our apps that does not require the client to join the Python3/PIP ecosystem...for various IT gatekeeper, etc. reasons....

S390 Port?

Python is becoming zIIP eligible on the z16, any plans to run Mojo on the mainframe?

Can I use Mojo for embedded esp32 projects ?

Can I use Mojo for embedded esp32 projects ?

Compile time addition of numbers

I am trying to do compile time addition of numbers via generic types, e.g. ``` from memory import stack_allocation ...

unable to pass by value

i noticed i'm unable to pass variables by value, even primitives ,such as Int , are either borrowed or mutable refs "inout" or moved "owned"

is the mojo documentation permissable?

Is the Mojo documentation permissible? I'm the owner of Alignment Lab AI, and we're lucky to have a reputation for making very high-quality models. I've been working on a dataset since Llama code came out for a machine learning/agent model. I want to include some instructions involving Mojo to help get it adopted into the lexicon more quickly, but I wasn't sure if I could just take the documentation and convert them to instructions and training data as I have with other popular libraries

Error:cannot construct 'Array' from 'ListLiteral[Int, Int, Int, Int, Int]' value in 'var' initialize

I'm trying to create a Array[T: AnyType, N: Int] struct but encountered this error when trying to run it: ``` from memory import stack_allocation struct Array[T: AnyType, N: Int]:...

Import packaged mojopkg failed.

I packaged a hello world mojopkg but I failed to import it. Please help.
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Is inout a equivalent system to pass a pointer to the function?

I was wondering if inout is a equivalent system to pass a pointer to the function?

Is it possible to install mojo on one of these subsystems or VanillaOS itself?

Question is in the title itself: Is it possible to install mojo on one of these subsystems or VanillaOS itself? I'd prefer the arch subsystem, but it's my understanding that vanillaos is already ubuntu based. Is there someone who already managed to install mojo somewhere on vanillaos?...
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Will there be built in testing support like in Zig or Rust?

Something Rust makes very easy to set up is testing, and Zig makes this even easier by just having test "name" { ... } declarations. The less friction there is for good practices like this the more people tend to do it. Would something like this be considered for mojo at some point?...

Intellicense not working in Vscode

Somehow I don't get auto-completion. Is there any way to fix it? For more Info, please tell me!