Web Bae


Web Bae

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Sliding in text animation

Hi, hope you are doing well. I wanted some help recreating this text animation on hero section. They are using swiper slider for this. Please share any video if there is any. Thanks in advance https://www.refinelabs.com/...

Migrating/Creating New Styleguide for a new site (A pretty large site)

Hello all! I've recently got onto a new client project as a Webflow Dev/Designer and going through the site, it's clear that best practices or a structured style guide was not used and built throughout the life of the website (not well, I might add) I've migrated a site before, but not one with 70k+ users monthly, how have you guys approached this in the past?...

100VH not working. I'm at hero section of the video

Hi, I am currently at video number 5 on creating the hero section. I followed the instruction on making it 100VH but it's not displaying 100VH. Here is the share only link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/test-wondrous-site-0056a8?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=dashboard&utm_content=test-wondrous-site-0056a8&preview=0e6c4cbd26294c2d4dd42b179364f587&workflow=preview

Count items inside a CMS Collection

Hey there! Do you know how I can indicate how many items are in a collection? I need to indicate how many "job positions open" there are inside a job positions collection to communicate it on the website next to the link to that category. If you can share a hint on where to start looking, I would appreciate it. ...
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GSAP ScrollTrigger with Horizontal Scroll Section

Hey everyone 🙂 I have a section that I'm using GSAP on to animate a horizontal scroll for. The horizontal scroll is working perfectly however I also need to animate a sort of menu that is at the top of the section to fill the background color as each new scroll item comes into view. Ideally I'd like to be able to target each section with an attribute. I can't seem to get it working.. If anyone has time and wants to help it would be greatly appreciated. Staging: https://safetraces-1.webflow.io/process...

Show content based on location

Hey there, I have a client that want's a feature where the user selects his province (inside argentina) and based on that we show different kind of products (like this web does at the top for check availability https://starry.com/internet) It's any way to achieve this inside webflow? Thank you so much in advance!...

Best way to use Videos/GIFs in Webflow.

Hello All, I have a Project that I need to showcase lots of Videos/Gifs about a Client's Work. What is the best way to Customize the Videos ? are we only limited to upload them on Vimeo or Youtube and place them in Webflow ? And one more thing, @Web Bae. I saw this Cool interaction in something like a GIFs Slider on this Website ( https://thieb.co/?ref=lapaninja ) is it possible to do something similar in Webflow ? and how ?...

Native Webflow Tabs + GSAP ScrollTrigger

Has anyone ever mixed native Webflow tabs with scrolltrigger? It seems to only work for me on the tab that I have set to default on page load. So if I publish with tab 1 set to default, all the tweens work for that. If tab2 is set to default, the tweens work for that one. However, when I click on the other tab, the content never animates, it just stays invisible. To give you an idea of what I have going on. I have a tabs component with two tabs and then content below that each require the user to scroll down to see everything....

Mouse Over Animation

Hello everyone, hope you are doing well. Can anyone please tell me how can we do this mouse hover animations on cards just like this website: https://skaled.com/insights/ I really liked it how the overlay follows the mouse. Looking forward to your approach building this. Thanks so much....

<h> tag not aligned to box.

How is this treated in web dev. Is it a letter spacing thing or font specific? If someone knows a way to completely align the text to the box or can refer me to some principle guidance on this, that would be great. Thanks in advance!...
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Auto advance Multiple Webflow tabs based on viewport

I've been putting some of this journey in the #💎︱premium-baes channel but thought I'd open up a thread if anyone else has this question or need. I've been following Web Bae's video on auto change tabs, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPC2C6py_bQ Got it all working and good to go on just ONE of the tabs on the page. There are 4 different tabbed sections. So I'm met with 2 main challenges:...

Instances / Components

Hi all! The agency that i'm working for has the following issue: A while ago, Webflow implemented an update that made editing content of components work a bit differently. Before, each element in a component was easily editable (textual, visibility, linking, ...) without having to link all properties of each element first in the component itself. But ever since the update the non-linked properties of elements inside of each component are no longer editable by the client....
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Scrub Lottie Animation On During GSAP ScrollTrigger

Hey everyone, I have a ScrollTrigger sequence in which I have several elements animating. I also have a lottie file that I would like to have play at the end of the sequence and still scrub based on scroll position. Has anyone used a lottie file with scrolltrigger and have any advice on how to best go about this. I haven't found much while searching online and I'm hoping I can avoid recreating the entire lottie animation using divs in Webflow...

Is learning GSAP without any js knowledge possible/meaningfull?

I think I don't fully understand what exactly GSAP is, but the animations it lets you create looks dope as hell. I know html and css on mid-level. I don't have any problem in Webflow whatsoever. But I want to level up with GSAP. Is it possible or reasonable to learn GSAP without an js knowledge? What would you suggest?...

Advanced 3D Rotation Effect

hey guys! I'm working on a project where the client would like a similar effect to this: https://cydstumpel.nl/ The cards spinning around an object . The object in the background is a 3D experience (I'm not really interested in that)...

Span target without using custom code

Hi ya'll, I was wondering how you could achieve the same result as the custom code section for span design elements if you don't have a site plan to enable the custom code feature. https://preview.webflow.com/preview/mikos-marvelous-site?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=mikos-marvelous-site&preview=d780f92187e5fa6cb15c0aac5500f10e&workflow=preview...

Grain Code Website Speed

Hello guys. I recently watched Web Bae's grain video and implemented on my new site, but it seems to kill the website speed soooo hard like it's nearly impossible to use. I'm not a coding guy so anyone has any idea? Can share more details
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Hello everyone! Can someone explain how i use finsweet attributes for multi nest? I

I already did the normal nesting with attributes. It works. But i need multinested and i dont understand the instruction on the finsweet attributes docs page 😅 (my english is not the very best)

Hello everyone, I need a little help regarding tables in webflow.

Can you please tell me waht is the best possible way to make tables in webflow? I want to make a table similar to this, what should be the approach? Custom code or grids or anything else? Thanks in advance....
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