Scroll to section horizontally (clicking a buton)

Hey there! Happy Monday! Does anybody have a tutorial on how to achieve this? I'm working on this website: In the tabs section, the client wants to reveal the content not only with buttons but also through scrolling. I know how to achieve horizontal scrolling, but I don't know how to make the buttons scroll the user to the correct position since they can't control interactions.
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3 Replies
AnderOP2y ago
Horizontal Scroll Layout Example with Active Menu
Horizontal Scroll Layout Example with Active Menu - Webflow
This is an example of a horizontal layout using IX2 with an Active Menu
Web Bae
Web Bae2y ago
Cool! Just checking in on this, I know a good way to do it vertically but haven’t don’t horizontal style before. Thanks for sharing the cloneable - I’ll take a look
AnderOP2y ago
That clone didn't end up serving me because they positioned everything in 'fixed,' and I need that section to be in the middle of the site. But it gave me some ideas, so I ended up doing this: (scroll to about the middle of the site). Basically, I place a 'horizontal' div as a tracker that moves with an interaction, and an Absolute Position div with 5 empty sections, each with an ID to use as an anchor link.
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