WBWeb Bae
Created by lovebrian649 on 5/24/2023 in #❓︱questions
Native Webflow Tabs + GSAP ScrollTrigger
Has anyone ever mixed native Webflow tabs with scrolltrigger? It seems to only work for me on the tab that I have set to default on page load. So if I publish with tab 1 set to default, all the tweens work for that. If tab2 is set to default, the tweens work for that one. However, when I click on the other tab, the content never animates, it just stays invisible. To give you an idea of what I have going on. I have a tabs component with two tabs and then content below that each require the user to scroll down to see everything. Hoping someone has encountered this before? Kind of drawing a blank on how to solve for this
11 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by lovebrian649 on 5/16/2023 in #❓︱questions
Scrub Lottie Animation On During GSAP ScrollTrigger
Hey everyone, I have a ScrollTrigger sequence in which I have several elements animating. I also have a lottie file that I would like to have play at the end of the sequence and still scrub based on scroll position. Has anyone used a lottie file with scrolltrigger and have any advice on how to best go about this. I haven't found much while searching online and I'm hoping I can avoid recreating the entire lottie animation using divs in Webflow Thanks so much
6 replies