<h> tag not aligned to box.

How is this treated in web dev. Is it a letter spacing thing or font specific? If someone knows a way to completely align the text to the box or can refer me to some principle guidance on this, that would be great. Thanks in advance!
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4 Replies
Web Bae
Web Bae2y ago
Are you talking about the left edge of the G with the blue dotted line? That’s a typography thing. You’d have to nudge the overall box by a pixel or too. The 49px gap different story though if that’s what you’re talking about.z what font is that? Where did you get it?
ToydestroyerOP2y ago
This is what im talking about exactly. This is Satoshi, i think i downloaded it from the website you showed in your 201 course. This is a screenshot of the Furnitime CTA Section.
Web Bae
Web Bae2y ago
oh lol! yea it's a font thing. I would just nudge it over a bit with a combo class like I mentioned if the alignment not perfect.
Maybe something with the line height? You could try to fix it with https://transfonter.org/ Upload your fonts and toggle fix vertical metrics, than convert. It will give you a downloadable zip folder with all types you selected. Might help.

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