Drizzle Team


Drizzle Team

The official Discord for all Drizzle related projects, such as Drizzle ORM, Drizzle Kit, Drizzle Studio and more!


Count in relational queries

How do I count in relational queries? For example if i'm querying db.query.posts.findMany() and want to include an extra field that counts the number of likes (diff table), how can I achieve that? Couldn't make it work with the "extras" and trying to make a sqlcount() there. Thanks in advance...

Create a type of VARCHAR[]

I want to create a type for my column of VARCHAR[] but when I used Drizzle-Kit to generate it, I got the drizzle-kit that generated "varchar[]" type instead of VARCHAR[] Here's how I defined the column; anonymousIds: varchar("anonymous_ids").array() It represents an array of ids....

Select with relation

Is there a way to get relations when using db.select().from(table)I can't get the db.query.table.findManyto work, so if someone could help me get that setup that would be fine too

`where` inside relational queries `with` does not work

Hi there! I'm new to drizzle and tried out the relational queries. I want to do a nested where rule inside a with relation. But doing it is giving me type errors (Object literal may only specify known properties, and where does not exist in type) and it's just ignored by the orm. Maybe someone knows what I am doing wrong and why I don't get the option to do a where. Thanks in advance!...

Issue with 'insert on conflict do update where'

I am using db.insert(lastHeaterMetricsTable) .values(heaterEntityWithMaxTime) .onConflictDoUpdate({ target: lastHeaterMetricsTable.deviceId,...

Duplicate relations when using `with`

I'm running into a problem where some duplicate values are being returned through a relation with with. Basically, I'm getting ```...


I’m trying to understand the best way to use BIN_TO_UUID and UUID_TO_BIN (MySQL). The below is working fine... ```typescript...

drizzle-kit drop config file does not exist

I have a /foo/drizzle.config.ts file as suggested in the docs (https://orm.drizzle.team/kit-docs/conf). When I run drizzle-kit drop it fails because it can't locate the config file: ```...

Related object is not typed correctly

I have the following schema ``` export const menus = pgTable('menus', { id: uuid('id').primaryKey(), name: varchar('name', { length: 256 }).notNull(),...

Custom vector type with pgvector

I'm trying to use the pgvector extension with a custom type but am running into an issue with the migration file. My custom type looks like ```typescript export const vector = customType< { data: number[];...

Missing 'with' clause additional operators (where, limit, offset, etc)

Have been digging into the docs and the latest update. ❣️ In the docs (https://orm.drizzle.team/docs/rqb#prepared-statements) it shows a similar number of options for 'with' as it does for the base. The options beyond just columns and extras don't look like they are implemented yet.
Are the additional operators coming or is that section just meant to describe how to include different types of placeholders more generally? ...

drizzle-zod type errors with latest versions

I updated all drizzle deps to latest and having type errors when using drizzle-zod

I am confused on how the new relational queries works

In the docs I see the following ``` import { pgTable, serial, text, integer, boolean } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core'; import { relations } from 'drizzle-orm'; ...

is not assignable to type 'DrizzleD1Database'

Hello This last release was amazing. Making joins simple was the missing piece for me. However, I'm trying to upgrade https://race-stack.pages.dev to the new API (it previously used the joins)....

Drizzle kit generate gives error after upgrade

I have updated drizzle-orm to 0.26.0 and drizzle-kit to 018.0. I have defined relations according to the docs, to use the relational queries. When I run drizzle-kit generate:sqlite, I am getting this error


Introspection error with pg

Hello, I am trying to introspect my already created DB but when I run the cli command I get: ```
drizzle-kit introspect:pg
drizzle-kit: v0.18.0...

How to declare PostgreSQL extensions/plugin?

Reference: https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-schema/postgresql-extensions Is there a way to declare postgresql plugin? Perhaps through the raw sql statement? Thanks in advance!...

How to consume existing supabase migration?

I have a supabase migrations and would like to reuse them as a starter for drizzle. When trying to point drizzle migration to the supabase's migration, it throws the error:
Error: Can't find meta/_journal.json file
Error: Can't find meta/_journal.json file

Prisma Studio style db explorer

Hey there! Anyone aware of a prisma studio style db-playground / db-admin-dashboard that works with drizzle? Would be super cool for developers and PMs alike ❤️...