Drizzle Team


Drizzle Team

The official Discord for all Drizzle related projects, such as Drizzle ORM, Drizzle Kit, Drizzle Studio and more!


Error when using Drizzle (Non-abstract class 'PgSelect<TTableName, TSelection, TSelectMode, [...])

I'm getting the following error when I try to use Drizzle: ```> [email protected] start
npm run compile && node ./dist/index.js

Generate classes/interfaces from existing schemas?

Messing around with drizzle, and I was wondering if there was any way to generate a class or interface derived from an existing schema? My database is currently managed out-of-band (not by drizzle), by another service, so writing schemas by hand again, is not really preferred. I looked around and couldn't find anything related to doing such a task. This would really help a lot when using drizzle.

Relation Query - Get likes in post

Playing around with relational queries and I'm not quite getting how I'd retrieve the count of likes on a given post. I'm able to accomplish this in sql, but I'm having a hard time translating or failing to understand why i cant translate this to drizzle. ...

Relation query `extras` needs access to `with`

I have a mysql table with two relations to another table. (one is for source values, one is for optional admin edited values.) The app logic is "if admin value exists, return admin value, else return source value". (But do not return both, since it would be a large network payload) The relation query easily includes the 2 related columns via with key....

Optional filter param, coalesce to true?

Is there a way to achieve this coalescing technique, but in valid drizzle sql? ```ts const filterByBool: boolean | undefined | null = undefined ...

Relational query, Planetscale throws: `ResourceExhausted desc = Out of sort memory`

SOLUTION: the problem was that I had a json column storing a massive value on each row. code = ResourceExhausted desc = Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size (errno 1038) (sqlstate HY001) Possible reasons?...

Int to Float or Double db:push

Hi we are working on a project that has drizzle db connected to a planetscale database. We initially had a column as an integer, but we later on decided that the column should be a float or a double. Doing a db:push truncates the column and deletes all the rows of the table. Is this a bug or is it like that by design? If it's by design what is the best way to update the columns to a double without wiping the table? Thanks in advance.

Timestamp mode differences?

What is the difference between the timestamp "mode" of "string'"and "date"?

Many-to-Many Self Relation

I'm looking to migrate from Prisma, but I'm having trouble trying to figure out how a many-to-many self relation should be defined. The prisma schema I has previously was similar to: ``` model User { id String @id...

Relations, three level nested where?

Given a User, Role, RoleToUser many-to-many relation: ```ts export const userRelations = relations(User, ({ many }) => ({ roleToUser: many(RoleToUser),...

Help with this relational query?

I am trying to get all the organizations that a member is associated with. This code is working: ```js...

RQB | using specific fields from a query against relations

is there a way to create a select filter that matches specific fields from a relation? say i findMany on posts and want to select all the posts where a relational one-to-many tags.name is inArray of a tagList array...

Simulate enums with SQLite `CHECK()`

I'm a heavy enum user in Postgres. Using SQLite now, wondering if anyone has come up with something clever to narrow a TEXT value to some values, perhaps based on CHECK() constraints, which kind of give you what ENUM does.

Migrating from Prisma gradually

We're in the middle of migrating away from Prisma to Drizzle which we just found out that Drizzle has its own naming convention for FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT. To avoid surprises for this migration, we'd like to keep Prisma constraint names, I looked into the reference() type definitions, it seems that we don't have a way to customise the FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT name, is that correct? At the same time, the current generated constraint name is longer than Postgres's allowed length. How can we workaround this?...

select with limit of 1

Is there a cleaner way of selecting only one item with proper type safety than this?
const user: User | undefined = (await db.select().from(users).where(eq(users.id, userId)).limit(1))[0];
const user: User | undefined = (await db.select().from(users).where(eq(users.id, userId)).limit(1))[0];

Option filter parameters

Hi! Love using drizzle so far! Had a quick question (not a bug): ``` const res = await ctx.database .select()...

How to delete with cascade?

I'm using postgres with the following schema (reduced to the important parts): ``` export const worlds = pgTable('worlds', { id: uuid('id').defaultRandom().primaryKey()...

PSQL SQL query does not work

Unable to achieve it with Drizzle helpers - I had to write my query in plain SQL. I'm trying to build a query that looks like this; ```...

drop tables

Is there a way to do a migration to drop tables? Other ORMs like Sequelize and Prisma have a concept of up & down migrations, but Drizzle doesn't. Is there a Drizzle way to do a "down" migration?

db.query error with relation

I have created a schema.ts, with two tables, with a one-to-one relationship. I have also create the "relation". In my index file, I get an error with the following code ```...