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DTDrizzle Team
Created by _tweak^prone on 7/31/2023 in #help
Drizzle + Astro => ETIMEDOUT
I have been running Astro with Drizzle for a period of time now, in one project. The project used to use Prisma, but i wanted to try out Drizzle When i develop on the project, i run the astro with npm run dev. I connect to Drizzle with this piece of code:
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/mysql2';
import mysql from 'mysql2/promise';
const poolConnection:mysql.Pool = mysql.createPool(
host: import.meta.env.DATABASE_HOST,
user: import.meta.env.DATABASE_USER,
password: import.meta.env.DATABASE_PASS,
database: import.meta.env.DATABASE_NAME,
export const db = drizzle(poolConnection);
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/mysql2';
import mysql from 'mysql2/promise';
const poolConnection:mysql.Pool = mysql.createPool(
host: import.meta.env.DATABASE_HOST,
user: import.meta.env.DATABASE_USER,
password: import.meta.env.DATABASE_PASS,
database: import.meta.env.DATABASE_NAME,
export const db = drizzle(poolConnection);
It works perfectly, HOWEVER, after a while of inactivity - when i do not reload the page often enough - then I will (once i reload) get a ETIMEDOUT and npm run dev simply just breaks the current process, and quitting npm altogether. If i convert back to Prisma - I do not get this behavour. If i try to use "non-pool" version of Drizzle, then it appears that drizzle does not close connections to my MySQL, and i hit the "max 10 connections" limit of my database. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
1 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by _tweak^prone on 7/30/2023 in #questions
Astro + DrizzleORM => trouble
Im working with Drizzle ORM on Astro and im having some problems with continous "ETIMEDOUT". When using Prisma for the same project, I have no problem connecting to the MySQL. Anyone has a clue as to what this could be ? Does DrizzleORM and Astro play nice together ? Aka: will Drizzle close its connections once done ? It could seem like its a connection-not-closing problem, as my MySQL has maximum of 10 connections, and once this error happens, it will instantly "ETIMEDOUT" for every request, until i stop/start Astro server.
75 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by _tweak^prone on 5/31/2023 in #questions
TypeSafe external API ?
I am currently communicating with an external API and after falling in love with TRPC, I would like to make this communication with the external API as TypeSafe as possible as well. I am however kinda failing in the basics of figuring out how to return different types, depending on the inputs of my function call. Example, i can call the same endpoint on my external API with the parameter "withItems", which kinda ends up mimicking the Prisma version of "include" - but unlike the great work Prisma has done - I am unsure how to detect if the programmer (in this case - mostly me), has passed this parameter to my API call function and return a different typesafe-type. I therefore always end up returning a mixed result (one type - or the other). My models are these (simplified):
interface Order{
id: number,
name: string,
date: Date,

interface Item{
name: string,
value: number,

interface Order_Items{
items: Item[];
interface Order{
id: number,
name: string,
date: Date,

interface Item{
name: string,
value: number,

interface Order_Items{
items: Item[];
My first attempts where to make a function call where I did something similar to this:
function getOrder(data:{
withItems?: boolean,
}): Order | (Order&Order_Items) {
/* here i would call the external API with data as the POST data, but return two different types, if withItems was in the data or not */

const theOrder1 = getOrder({id: 1,})
const theOrder2 = getOrder({id: 1, withItems:true});
function getOrder(data:{
withItems?: boolean,
}): Order | (Order&Order_Items) {
/* here i would call the external API with data as the POST data, but return two different types, if withItems was in the data or not */

const theOrder1 = getOrder({id: 1,})
const theOrder2 = getOrder({id: 1, withItems:true});
However my initial approach resulted in my having to typecast the result from getOrder - since I never succeded in making a "strong" connection between the parameters of the call, and the result. In comes Zod - which i believe would be my saviour here - but I fail to get Zod working. I simply cannot grasp my head around how I would implement Zod in this kind of structure and get type-safe return. Hope you can help (and I have formulated my question clear enough)
28 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by _tweak^prone on 4/12/2023 in #questions
useSession returns unauthorized
I am using the standard t3 stack setup with NextAuth - session provider wrapped around it all. My middleware is set to protect all pages (default export). When i log in with credentials, and try to use useSession from my Component, i get status:unauthorized. In addition: The first initial page of my app loads, since i just authorized but when navigating to any other page, i have to auth again. What did I forget to implement ?
1 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by _tweak^prone on 2/2/2023 in #questions
MUI + Vercel => different CSS applied
When I use npm run dev to develop my website - my css is applied "as intended" - and I have styled my MUI-components to match my needs. However, when I push it to Vercel, it seems that the custom MUI-classes, gets added last (even though the order in class='' is the same). When rendered on Vercel, MUI-classes are the last classes in the cascade (viewed in Inspector), where as when rendered locally, MUI-classes are soms of the first in the cascade - this getting overwritten. This results in drastic different results on dev and prod. How can i make sure the behaviour is the same ?
11 replies