Drizzle Team


Drizzle Team

The official Discord for all Drizzle related projects, such as Drizzle ORM, Drizzle Kit, Drizzle Studio and more!


What's the best way to deploy migrations on production database?

I'm confused as to what is the best way to deploy migration on the production database. Locally when I test on my local database instance, I use the commands manually to generate and push the migrations But I want to automate this. Say, I'm using Vercel and I want to push the migration on every commit. In prisma to deploy the generated migrations I use the command prisma migrate deploy, I add this command to the build command like this: prisma generate && prisma migrate deploy && next build...

Default values not working for insert

```ts await db .insert(Drizzle.User) .values({ email,...

How to define types for jsonb

How do you provide custom type interfaces for jsonb columns returned via queries. for instance if i have a column: myfield: jsonb('data').notNull() i want to be able to define a type interface for myfield such that when i do const { myfield } = await db.query.myTable.findFirst({}), the type of myfield is customized instead of unknown...

why is "<ref *1> SQLiteTable { ..." printed to console

The following code is all it takes to get the entire Table schema to be printed to the console. I have no idea why. It isn't very pleasant. ``` const table = db.update(deployments); const set = table.set({ final_result: "s" });...

Does Drizzle ORM support CommonJS (CJS)?

I'm trying to use Drizzle ORM for the first time in a brand new project and I am getting this error:
No description

What exactly is the `check` command doing?

would the screenshot not constitute a failed "check"? when i run drizzle-kit check:pg i get the following output:
Everything's fine 🐢πŸ”₯
Everything's fine 🐢πŸ”₯
i would expect that this fails since it requires a migration...
No description

SQLite: timestamp vs timestamp_ms modes

The SQLite column types docs mention there's multiple modes for integers. What's the difference between timestamp_ms and timestamp modes? ```ts...

Is there a way to simply check if the current schema file matches the DB

I want to perform a check to the effect of "is my schema.ts file exactly the same as what is in my connectionString". What is the best way to do this (via CLI preferably)...

Benefits of serverless drivers

Can someone please breifly explain the benefit of using neon serverless drivers for running serverless vercel funcs? My app is both serverful and serverless. Would it be bad to only use the serverless driver? If yes, are there recommended patterns for how to deal with this?...

Drizzle equivalent of `findFirstOrThrow`

Is there an analgous way to do this code in drizzle?
const data = await prisma.appData.findFirstOrThrow({}));
const data = await prisma.appData.findFirstOrThrow({}));

How do you get defined types for relational queries

If i have a relational query like this ```ts const post = await db.query.posts.findFirst({ with: { comments: true,...

When using Drizzle-Kit in something like SvelteKit, how should I handle the schema.ts?

Should I just let my entire drizzle folder sit inside my lib directory?

how to type dynamic where condition

i'd like to do something like ``` async function selectEventByCondition(condition) { return db.query.events.findFirst({...

How am I supposed to put unique constraints on columns

Hey! I was looking at the docs for the implementation of unique constraints and index but I think either the docs are outdated or there seems to be a bug since I could neither find the function .unique() to chain in the schema nor could I import the unqiue method from "drizzle-orm/pg-core"

Does drizzle allow you to access db in frontend of nextjs (app router)

I am currently using nextjs, planetscale and prisma for my web app. Prisma doesnt allow db access in the frontend, will drizzle allow me to access the db in the page file?

Running into an error when runing `drizzle-kit push:mysql` yet i haven't changed anything

So i seem to be running into this error: ```bash $ pnpm db:push
[email protected] db:push G:\GitHub\Meally\apps\meally drizzle-kit push:mysql --config=drizzle.config.ts...

Drizzle Kit - Where to store relations?

Seeing as when pull operations occur it overwrites the local schema, is there a good place to keep relations? Just relations.ts somewhere in my project?

unknown command: drizzle-kit

Can't seem to get the command to work. Followed the instructions of the quick start guide. Any ideas?

Auth.js adapter import causes module not found error

Hey there! I want to build an authenticated app using Auth.js and the newly released Drizzle adapter. I've done the setup exactly as described here, but am getting the following error when running:
[ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find module 'pathtoproject\node_modules@auth\drizzle-adapter\lib\mysql.js' imported from pathtoproject\node_modules@auth\drizzle-adapter\index.js
I.e. my hooks.server.ts file:...

Insert One to Many

How can I insert relations as well at create the parent? ``` import { Customer } from "@/types/customer"; import { NextResponse } from "next/server";...