What's the best way to deploy migrations on production database?
prisma migrate deploy
, I add this command to the build command like this: prisma generate && prisma migrate deploy && next build
...How to define types for jsonb
myfield: jsonb('data').notNull()
i want to be able to define a type interface for myfield
such that when i do const { myfield } = await db.query.myTable.findFirst({})
, the type of myfield is customized instead of unknown
...why is "<ref *1> SQLiteTable { ..." printed to console
Does Drizzle ORM support CommonJS (CJS)?
What exactly is the `check` command doing?
drizzle-kit check:pg
i get the following output:
Everything's fine πΆπ₯
Everything's fine πΆπ₯
SQLite: timestamp vs timestamp_ms modes
Is there a way to simply check if the current schema file matches the DB
file exactly the same as what is in my connectionString
What is the best way to do this (via CLI preferably)...Benefits of serverless drivers
Drizzle equivalent of `findFirstOrThrow`
const data = await prisma.appData.findFirstOrThrow({}));
const data = await prisma.appData.findFirstOrThrow({}));
How do you get defined types for relational queries
When using Drizzle-Kit in something like SvelteKit, how should I handle the schema.ts?
folder sit inside my lib
directory?how to type dynamic where condition
How am I supposed to put unique constraints on columns
to chain in the schema nor could I import the unqiue method from "drizzle-orm/pg-core"Does drizzle allow you to access db in frontend of nextjs (app router)
Running into an error when runing `drizzle-kit push:mysql` yet i haven't changed anything
[email protected] db:push G:\GitHub\Meally\apps\meally drizzle-kit push:mysql --config=drizzle.config.ts...
Drizzle Kit - Where to store relations?
unknown command: drizzle-kit
Auth.js adapter import causes module not found error
[ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find module 'pathtoproject\node_modules@auth\drizzle-adapter\lib\mysql.js' imported from pathtoproject\node_modules@auth\drizzle-adapter\index.jsI.e. my
file:...Insert One to Many