[drizzle-zod] How to make all fields of a schema derived from a table required ?
Is there a way to declare a custom SQL index?
sqlite code first with in-memory db
work? Is there even an option to bootstrap a schema without creating additional files?...Drizzle-Kit: incorrect schema.ts being used
Group by Multiple columns with drizzle
date | location | name | quantity
date | location | name | quantity
[Fixed] is not assignable to parameter type Record<string, PgColumnBuilder>
Argument type {phone: PgVarcharBuilder<{name: "phone", dataType: "string", columnType: "PgVarchar", data: [string, ...string[]][number], driverParam: string, enumValues: [string, ...string[]]}>, fullName: PgTextBuilder<{name: "full_name", dataType: "string", columnType: "PgText", data: [string, ...string[]][number], enumValues: [string, ...string[]], driverParam: string}>, id: PgSerialBuilder & {_: {notNull: true}}} is not assignable to parameter type Record<string, PgColumnBuilder>
Argument type {phone: PgVarcharBuilder<{name: "phone", dataType: "string", columnType: "PgVarchar", data: [string, ...string[]][number], driverParam: string, enumValues: [string, ...string[]]}>, fullName: PgTextBuilder<{name: "full_name", dataType: "string", columnType: "PgText", data: [string, ...string[]][number], enumValues: [string, ...string[]], driverParam: string}>, id: PgSerialBuilder & {_: {notNull: true}}} is not assignable to parameter type Record<string, PgColumnBuilder>
What is the Drizzle convention for storing the `db` object?
Default value for Array creates an incorrect SQL migration
to my PG table, users
, such as:
export const users = pgTable(
{...Bug: drizzle-kit generate:pg didn't see the changes in the schema
update multiple fields
Need help implementing one to many relations for a table on itself
How to dynamically select columns in relation query with proper type inference ?
Authjs extending user model for Role based auth trouble.
Nested one to one relation shows [x:string]: never
table not being camelcased when using joins?
Invalid serialization of JSON blobs
```ts...Is drizzle edge compatible (noobie question)?
Query where clause with array.
What's the best way to deploy migrations on production database?
prisma migrate deploy
, I add this command to the build command like this: prisma generate && prisma migrate deploy && next build