SQL_PARSE_ERROR with Turso + Drizzle
getting when running a push in development with this schema:
I am adding the ratings column as an integer. Lets walk down the chain. When I add it as a new text column. It works. When I add it as an integer column with a default value and notNull, it gives me the warning that I am about to put null into a notNull column even though I have given it a default value, and then throws the error mentioned above.
If I do it without the notNull, it just gives the error mentioned above. Working with SvelteKit btw
1 Reply
It may also be worth mentioning that I had an error that better-sqlite3 was missing when pushing, which is when this whole thing started. I uninstalled and reinstalled drizzle-kit and drizzle-orm to see if it would install better-sqlite3 as a peer dep again since I saw it in the lock file.
It did not really work. I wound up just installing better-sqlite3 and that's when I started getting the current set of errors that I am describing above. Hopefully that sheds more light on the situation.