Created by Dushmanta on 3/22/2024 in #❓┊help
How can I keep an icon in the column label instead of text in the table?
I'm trying to implement a table, and in one column, I want an icon instead of a text label. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you.
13 replies
Created by Dushmanta on 3/18/2024 in #❓┊help
Is there anyway we can specify how many rows a widget takes? (or group widgets to apply grid)
No description
4 replies
Created by Dushmanta on 3/13/2024 in #❓┊help
Is it possible to use queryStringIdentifier() for widgets with simple pagination?
I'm using the queryStringIdentifier() for 2 widget table to resolve the pagination issue, but when I use simple pagination this doesn't work, could anyone help with this? Thank you.
2 replies
Created by Dushmanta on 3/12/2024 in #❓┊help
Pagination applies to multiple table after page refresh
Hello! I'm using 2 widget tables (let's say Table 1 and Table 2) on a single page, and they have pagination. Now, when I paginate to another page (let's say to page 2) in Table 1 and refresh the page, Table 2 also gets paginated to page 2. The issue becomes more relevant when Table 2 has less data because on the 2nd page of Table 2, it shows no data and the pagination buttons are disabled. Can anyone help me with this issue? Thank you for your valuable time. I really appreciate it.
4 replies
Created by Dushmanta on 3/12/2024 in #❓┊help
Action button not working on first click
Hello, fellow devs! I've added a Filament Action named Link Payment to my filament table. When I click on it, it opens a Livewire modal. Inside this modal, there's another action called Create Contact, but I'm facing an issue. The first time I click "Create Contact", it doesn't work, but the second time it does. The same issue occurs with another action on the page. I've also implemented search functionality, and after a search, the action works on the first click. The problem arises only when the page loads; I have to click twice. After that, if I close the modal and reopen it, it works normally. Also as you can see in the video (end part), if I click on the Create Contact button first and then click on the link icon action next, it opens the Create Contact functionality. I've shared a video of the issue and the code link below: Code: https://gist.github.com/dushmanta05/f325536e88d3e568bec2c16ff8eb4b4c Flow of the code: - I have an OrphanPayments.php filament widget file. It contains a payment table with an action named Link Payment. - Clicking on Link Payment opens a modal written in Livewire (PaymentSearchRenderHelper.php file) with its corresponding view file as payment-search-render-helper.blade.php. - The Livewire file mentioned above sends the data to another Livewire file PreviewPaymentContactSearch.php along with preview-payment-contact-search.blade.php as its corresponding blade file. - The issue occurs in PreviewPaymentContactSearch.php where the Create Contact Action lies. Note: - I've tried using dd() and it works on the first click. - I also tried using the updating() lifecycle hook of Livewire, but it works on the second click, not the first. I would appreciate any help regarding this issue. Thank you for your valuable time. If more information required, please feel free to reply in the comments. Thank you again.
7 replies