Created by 𝐑𝐚𝐒π₯𝐬 on 5/1/2024 in #community-help
Crosshairs all gone
Idk what happened I was playing an hour ago got back on and every single one of my crosshairs gone :( nobody has access to my acc btw
6 replies
Created by 𝐑𝐚𝐒π₯𝐬 on 12/24/2022 in #fanart
first drawing in like 6 month or more. female yoru or whatever
No description
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Created by 𝐑𝐚𝐒π₯𝐬 on 11/22/2022 in #community-help
help what do we do we got exploiters
They’re very clearly exploiting got no clips because it’s too laggy and he even admit he’s getting paid to do this. The omen uses tp with ult exactly to go where we are when we are hiding start of round. He smokes where we are then shoots us perfectly through it and doesn’t miss not even one shot. The rest of his team idk they might just be good but with him it’s completely impossible. He purposely smokes everywhere we are so we can’t see him and he can shoot us. We can’t see his id either.
2 replies
Created by 𝐑𝐚𝐒π₯𝐬 on 10/17/2022 in #community-help
when I win I don’t get much rr
Okay so recently when I’ve been playing ranked I haven’t been getting much rr. When I lose I lose around 14-20 ish around there sometimes more sometimes less but when I win I earn like 10,14 when I used to get like 20 or more. i know this can depend on mmr or whatever but I’m iron 1 and I’m not doing insanely good or anything just as good as I was before and I still bottom frag quite a lot. But I’m not doing any better than I normally did. Occasionally I’ll do better but even when I did horrible before, if I won I’d still get quite abit.
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