when I win I don’t get much rr

Okay so recently when I’ve been playing ranked I haven’t been getting much rr. When I lose I lose around 14-20 ish around there sometimes more sometimes less but when I win I earn like 10,14 when I used to get like 20 or more. i know this can depend on mmr or whatever but I’m iron 1 and I’m not doing insanely good or anything just as good as I was before and I still bottom frag quite a lot. But I’m not doing any better than I normally did. Occasionally I’ll do better but even when I did horrible before, if I won I’d still get quite abit.
2 Replies
quadraceptfr3y ago
Depends on ur mmr AND your game performance if you’re in negatives and bottom frag you will get significantly less rr then others
hailsOP3y ago
Even when I do better than normal I still get about the same and I don’t think I’m doing any better than I used to

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