Create Another in a Form Action
Looks like I have a similar problem with the standard action. The modal either closes, I can't reset the modal form, or I can't dispatch and refresh the parent form. What should the guts be for "// Reset the form and don't close the modal"
8 replies
Always use the mobile Menu
I'm open to a better way, but for those looking to do the same I published 2 files (layout.index, sidebar.item)
in my theme.css file, I added:
.fi-sidebar {
@apply fixed inset-y-0 start-0 z-30 grid h-screen w-[--sidebar-width] content-start overflow-hidden bg-white transition-all duration-75 dark:bg-gray-900 !important
in layout.index:
- I removed lg:hidden from fi-sidebar-close-overlay
- I removed lg:ps-[--sidebar-width] in two spots
in sidebar.item:
- I removed window.matchMedia(
(max-width: 1024px)
).matches &&14 replies
Always use the mobile Menu
sidebarFullyCollapsibleOnDesktop was my first attempt, but it has a bunch of logic to make it display different in desktop.
It separates logic by mobile and lg/xl. I'm attempting to ignore the desktop logic and always show the existing mobile menu when the hamburger is pressed
14 replies