DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Fisch on 2/24/2024 in #djs-questions
I wanted to ask for everything I need for this command
No description
12 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Fisch on 2/24/2024 in #djs-questions
I wanted to ask for everything I need for this command
12 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Fisch on 1/4/2024 in #djs-questions
Syntax error
Don't know why, even though I have node.js v20
5 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Fisch on 1/3/2024 in #djs-questions
Wanted to register a command and got this error:
So I just type 3 in there?
18 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Fisch on 1/3/2024 in #djs-questions
Wanted to register a command and got this error:
18 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Fisch on 1/3/2024 in #djs-questions
Wanted to register a command and got this error:
For the command
18 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Fisch on 1/3/2024 in #djs-questions
Wanted to register a command and got this error:
But mixed something with AI
18 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Fisch on 1/3/2024 in #djs-questions
Wanted to register a command and got this error:
I even tried using the guide
18 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Fisch on 1/2/2024 in #djs-questions
Code is working but command isn't
It's from there
34 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Fisch on 1/2/2024 in #djs-questions
Code is working but command isn't
const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('discord.js'); const data = new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('echo') .setDescription('Replies with your input!') .addStringOption(option => option.setName('input') .setDescription('The input to echo back'));
34 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Fisch on 1/2/2024 in #djs-questions
Code is working but command isn't
It is
34 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Fisch on 1/2/2024 in #djs-questions
Code is working but command isn't
I used the guide
34 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Fisch on 1/2/2024 in #djs-questions
Code is working but command isn't
I didn't
34 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Fisch on 1/2/2024 in #djs-questions
Code is working but command isn't
I didn't
34 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Fisch on 1/2/2024 in #djs-questions
Code is working but command isn't
const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('discord.js'); const data = new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('echo') .setDescription('Replies with your input!') .addStringOption(option => option.setName('input') .setDescription('The input to echo back')); client.once('ready', () => { console.log('Bot is online!'); }); client.on('messageCreate', (message) => { if ( return; if (message.content.startsWith(PREFIX) && message.guild) { const [command, ...args] = message.content.slice(PREFIX.length).trim().split(/ +/); if (command === 'poll') { if (!message.member.permissions.has('MANAGE_MESSAGES')) { return message.reply('You do not have permission to create polls.'); } const pollQuestion = args.join(' '); if (!pollQuestion) { return message.reply('Please provide a question for the poll.'); }**Poll:** ${pollQuestion}).then((pollMessage) => { pollMessage.react('1️⃣'); // Option 1 pollMessage.react('2️⃣'); // Option 2 }); } } }); client.on('messageReactionAdd', (reaction, user) => { if ( return; const message = reaction.message; if (message.content.startsWith('Poll:')) { const emoji =; if (emoji === '1️⃣') {${user.username} voted for Option 1!); } else if (emoji === '2️⃣') {${user.username} voted for Option 2!); } } }); client.login('');
34 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Fisch on 1/2/2024 in #djs-questions
Code is working but command isn't
I couldn't get it to work
34 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Fisch on 1/2/2024 in #djs-questions
Code is working but command isn't
I did
34 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Fisch on 1/2/2024 in #djs-questions
Token problem
I just can't get the command to work somehow
55 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Fisch on 1/2/2024 in #djs-questions
Token problem
55 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Fisch on 1/2/2024 in #djs-questions
Token problem
It is
55 replies