Rich Editor escaping its own HTML
no no you do not use Laravel middleware messing with the payload and escaping characters like this
Filament RichEditor is working very good
you can check filament V or Laravel ,or you can user RichEditorin another place or definite project for test
10 replies
Custom Login Page(add link below the sign in button)
use Filament\Support\Facades\FilamentView;
use Filament\View\PanelsRenderHook;
use Illuminate\Contracts\View\View;
you can write this code inside boot() function inside your AppServiceProvider
fn(): View => view('socialite-logins'),
8 replies
Can't export data using ExportAction with Tenant
If you are using
You can put this code inside
inside group just
use Filament\Actions\Exports\Http\Controllers\DownloadExport;
Route::get('filament/exports/{export}/download', DownloadExport::class)
->middleware(['web', 'auth']);
20 replies