Google maps style text input
Hey thanks for your reply! I've found this: https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/forms/fields/select#returning-custom-search-results - I feel like there might be something here. I'll go down this route for a bit and see if it works, otherwise I'll give your solution a shot!
17 replies
Tailwind Issues even with Custom Theme
Ok so I've resorted to this: I have two stylesheets, one for the theme in the panels, one for the main app. Two tailwind config files, one for the panels, one for the main app. The config in the main app includes the tailwind plugin from Flowbite, the one for the panels doesn't. In my main app layout, I'm including the main app.css. In my panel provider, I'm including the theme.css through my vite theme method. Does that setup make sense? Also, do I need to include both the theme.css and app.css in my main vite config?
20 replies
Tailwind Issues even with Custom Theme
hmm, what about usage of certain plugins? For example, I'm using Flowbite on the main app, which requires a tailwind plugin. When including that plugin, if I have only one tailwind config, it affects the admin panel, changing opacity in some colors. Would it then make sense to have two separate config files?
20 replies
Tailwind Issues even with Custom Theme
Is it not normal to have this setup? I added a theme later on in the dev process, which basically made me end up with two tailwind config files. I'm using tailwind to style components on the "main" site and components that get rendered in the admin panel. I have around 3 panels.
20 replies