relationship from another database
Hi guys,
i am trying to use SelectFilter as a relationship between 2 entities where each one exists in its own database , so something like mysql_1.companies and mysql_2.tasks
i have already set the connections in the models and relationship and everything works fine in select form where i can search and get the data. But when i use select filter it doesn't work where i get the following error
i have tried to add the connection name like ->relationship('mysql_1.companies') but it doesn't work neither
right now i am doing the following
but i am not sure if this is a bug, or is there a specific option in select filter i can enable this.
thank you for your help
3 replies
Select options don't update when using "javascript" select
i am not sure if there's a better way, or i am using. wrong method, but here's what's happening.
let's say i have an options array that is [1,2]. and it's passed to Select component ( array passed by value ).
now if i update the options array in another component, let's say when i check a checkbox, i want to add the number 3 (the array is passed by reference)
and i call the select component and pass the new array to it. it won't update if i used a js select ( when using a native(false) , multiple , searchable etc) but if i use it as normal html select, the values are updated.
here's an example of what i mean
The following example is working but i can't use multiple , searchable etc.
Toggle Component
Select Component
BUT i can make it work by doing the following
As long as i initialize the select component as HTML input not a js select.
so is is there a better way to do that, as i thought this might be a bug where the component should render the new value passed
thanks in advance
1 replies
Duplicate the row for many to many relationship in Model A List page
instead of showing ModelBs relationships with "," separating them, how can i tell filament to duplicate the whole row with the other relationship value.
i tried custom column, it works fine if i kept it in the end where i can end the row as html, but is there a better way that i can achieve the above
22 replies