Created by bambuinblue_13913 on 9/8/2023 in #❓┊help
Examples of larger, customer facing websites using Filament or maybe just the TALL stack?
Hello! I'm considering using Filament and more broadly the TALL stack to build a customer facing SEO based application and I'd like to look at what some other applications that people have built with it. Thanks!
3 replies
Created by bambuinblue_13913 on 8/21/2023 in #❓┊help
Is Filament 3.x suitable for customer-facing public apps?
Hello! I've been shily following the progress for Filament in the recent past, and it's awesome! I realized that it moved from being marketed as an Admin panel builder to a more generic library/collection of components that you can use to build anything. Is Filament the right choice to build customer-facing public apps where performance and SEO are a real worry? Let's consider an app that could be built using mostly the components that are being shipped with Filament 3.x: 1) How well it works at the scale of a few thousand daily users? 2)How would it handle some data-intensive pages with a lot of information? 3) What average page load times would be reasonable to expect for those pages? 4) What are the breaking points and edge cases that might make Filament not the best candidate for that kind of application? 3.x is super new, but are there any good examples of that being done already in 2.x for exmaple? I believe it's a common opinion in the Laravel community that Livewire may not be the optimal choice for this type of application. However, I'm curious if the latest version, Livewire 3.x, and tools like Filament 3.x are changing those tides. Thanks!
4 replies