Created by Mtlive on 11/6/2024 in #support
How to Implement Page Caching
I’m developing an admin panel, and users will frequently navigate between different feature pages. If every page transition requires reloading data, it would lead to a very poor experience. Is there a way to cache the pages? For example, when a user switches back from route A to route B, they should still see the content as they left it, including the scroll position, data, etc.
4 replies
Created by Mtlive on 6/28/2024 in #support
how using createRoot?
I am developing a multi-language configuration for my program. I have implemented it in the following way so that it can be called inside the component or in some modules. (If I use context, I can't use it outside the component) However, I get such a warning in the browser console and I'm not sure if such a warning has any positive negative effect. "menus.tsx:10 computations created outside a createRoot or render will never be disposed" Please teach me, thank you!
import { createSignal, createRoot, createMemo } from 'solid-js'
import { en } from '~/i18n/en'
import { zh } from '~/i18n/zh'
import { vn } from '~/i18n/vn'
import * as i18n from '@solid-primitives/i18n'

export type Locale = 'en' | 'zh' | 'vn'

export type I18nDictionaries = {
en: typeof en
zh: typeof zh
vn: typeof vn

export interface LocaleOption {
label: string
value: Locale
disabled?: boolean

const dictionaries: I18nDictionaries = {
zh: zh,
en: en,
vn: vn

const localeOptions: LocaleOption[] = [
{ label: 'English', value: 'en' },
{ label: '简体中文', value: 'zh' },
{ label: 'Tiếng Việt', value: 'vn' }

let t: i18n.ChainedTranslator<I18nDictionaries[Locale], string>

const i18nStore = createRoot(() => {
console.log('i18n init.')
const [locale, setLocale] = createSignal<Locale>('en')

const dict = createMemo(() => i18n.flatten(dictionaries[locale()]))

const translator = i18n.translator(() => dict(), i18n.resolveTemplate)

t = i18n.chainedTranslator<I18nDictionaries[Locale], string>(

return { locale, setLocale }

export const useLocale = () => {
return {
locale: i18nStore.locale,
setLocale: i18nStore.setLocale,
import { createSignal, createRoot, createMemo } from 'solid-js'
import { en } from '~/i18n/en'
import { zh } from '~/i18n/zh'
import { vn } from '~/i18n/vn'
import * as i18n from '@solid-primitives/i18n'

export type Locale = 'en' | 'zh' | 'vn'

export type I18nDictionaries = {
en: typeof en
zh: typeof zh
vn: typeof vn

export interface LocaleOption {
label: string
value: Locale
disabled?: boolean

const dictionaries: I18nDictionaries = {
zh: zh,
en: en,
vn: vn

const localeOptions: LocaleOption[] = [
{ label: 'English', value: 'en' },
{ label: '简体中文', value: 'zh' },
{ label: 'Tiếng Việt', value: 'vn' }

let t: i18n.ChainedTranslator<I18nDictionaries[Locale], string>

const i18nStore = createRoot(() => {
console.log('i18n init.')
const [locale, setLocale] = createSignal<Locale>('en')

const dict = createMemo(() => i18n.flatten(dictionaries[locale()]))

const translator = i18n.translator(() => dict(), i18n.resolveTemplate)

t = i18n.chainedTranslator<I18nDictionaries[Locale], string>(

return { locale, setLocale }

export const useLocale = () => {
return {
locale: i18nStore.locale,
setLocale: i18nStore.setLocale,
8 replies
Created by Mtlive on 6/17/2024 in #support
Solid Start Nested Router
Hi Guys! How to Implement Partial Page Refresh (Nested Routing) I am developing an admin dashboard with a top navigation bar, a left-side menu, and a right-side content area. I am not sure how to simultaneously handle a standalone login page and update the right content area by clicking on the left-side menu using a single file routing approach. The login page has an independent layout, while after login, the layout is fixed and the route changes should only update the right-side content.
6 replies