some problems with async await
is your base64 string actually a valid image? try pasting it in here https://base64.guru/converter/decode/image
63 replies
❔ System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index and length must refer to a location within the string.
70 replies
❔ WinForms Topmost property not working as intended.
what are the applications that let you alt tab in to them? some of them could have things like dialogs open etc that windows might deem more important than your app
though i've also noticed that setting an application to be always on top can be janky, one app i use won't permanently stay on top until i minimize&maximize it
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❔ Global Listener for the media key (play/pause)
there are a few popular libraries which are easy to use that do this too
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❔ ComboBox event help
the simplest solution is to subscribe to the SelectedIndexChanged event on your number of candidates combobox, then depending on the selection index, if it's too low then set cboxCandidate2/3/4/5's text to N/A and set their Enabled property to false. if it's within range then set to true and reset the text.
that's the jist of it, if you want to write a clean solution to this, think about how a helper function could help here! :)
13 replies
❔ Patch an external dependency
what kind of patching? reflection can get you pretty far, and Harmony can get you further (https://github.com/pardeike/Harmony)
7 replies