✅ X within ellipse
So I want to make a custom close button since my app is using
This is the XAML for the X:
However, something just doesn't look right.. Is there a better / more ellegant way?
3 Replies
maybe use an image instead or draw lines https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/desktop/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-draw-a-line?view=netframeworkdesktop-4.8
How to: Draw a Line - WPF .NET Framework
Learn how to draw a Line by creating a Line element and using its X1 and Y1 properties to set its start point and its X2 and Y2 properties to set its end point.
if the offset/scale of it is bothering you, you could also use its RenderTransform to adjust it manually
there are also fonts like webdings and wingdings that have X icons
that worked, thanks