Created by MuhammadAmin on 12/26/2022 in #help
❔ reverse of RemoveAt[index]
hi, so my problem is that im itterating through a list of 10 questions, and each time the user has completed a question from the list, i use thed the RemoveAt(index) function so that the same question isnt repeated. the problem is that at the end of the program, the user is asked if they want to repeat the exercise and if they click yes lets say, then the questions they have already completed will still be removed, as in the program will crash once it itterates past the first and final index. i forgot to mention that the user will only be asked 5 questions so that the program doesnt crash by itterating further than the final and initial index. so how can i counter this problem so that when the user is done and they press yes to retry, the indexes are reset?
8 replies
Created by MuhammadAmin on 12/17/2022 in #help
❔ Comparing an answer to a question stored in a list
hi, so im doing a spanish learning program and was stuck on this bit. i basically want to store the question and answer of the question in either 2 lists of 2 seperate arrays. and then i want to make a variable for the user input, lets say UserInput and i want to compare each word in the variable to each element in the list/array, and the score then incrememnts for each word that is correct in a sense. can someone help pls.
15 replies