Created by D2RTECH on 5/4/2024 in #❓┊help
issue with fillrecordusing
I am trying to ensure that nothing other than "Yes" or "No" goes through my importer class, and i am doing that using the below code. But the value is passed in DB as it comes and is not changed as per the logic below. ImportColumn::make('item_loaned') ->requiredMapping() ->fillRecordUsing(function (Inventory $record, string $state): void { if(strtolower($state) === 'yes') { $record->item_loaned = 'Yes'; } elseif (strtolower($state) === 'no') { $record->item_loaned = 'No'; } }) ->rules(['required', 'max:255'])
3 replies
Created by D2RTECH on 2/12/2024 in #❓┊help
Getting a 403 when deployed on hosted server on hostinger
I have seen multiple folks getting this issue, but have not find a complete solution. env is set to local no logs in storage/logs/laravel.logs Here is my user model file Kindly HELP!!! <?php namespace App\Models; use Filament\Models\Contracts\FilamentUser; use Filament\Panel; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasOne; use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable; use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable; use Laravel\Sanctum\HasApiTokens; class User extends Authenticatable implements FilamentUser { use HasApiTokens, HasFactory, Notifiable; public function canAccessPanel(Panel $panel): bool {
return str_ends_with($this->email, '@d2rtech.com'); }
protected $fillable = [ 'name', 'email', 'password', 'isactive', 'isadmin', ];
protected $hidden = [ 'password', 'remember_token', ]; protected $casts = [ 'email_verified_at' => 'datetime', 'password' => 'hashed', ]; public function userskills(): BelongsTo { return $this->belongsTo(Userskill::class); } }
10 replies
Created by D2RTECH on 1/9/2024 in #❓┊help
Checkbox - Dont want to save it in database
The use case is simple, i am creating a form where Shipping Address and Billing Address would be different when a checkbox is not checked, but when checked both will be same. we are using different fields for billing and shipping address in the Address Model. Kindly help!!!
2 replies
Created by D2RTECH on 1/9/2024 in #❓┊help
file upload error 422 on local machine
I am uploading a file using fileupload component and i am getting the error message POST 422 (Unprocessable Content) I am sure i am missing some setting which could be causing the file not uploaded on the local storage itelf. Kindly help!!!
6 replies
Created by D2RTECH on 1/8/2024 in #❓┊help
how to show the mobile number with country code
I want to combine values of two table columns and show them in the one column. how do i acheive that?
8 replies
Created by D2RTECH on 1/8/2024 in #❓┊help
in Filament v3.x how to show city Name when city ID is saved in the table
I am new to the filament. in the below code I need to show the city name, but because in the table, we have stored just the city ID. Now I can query the city table with the city_id to fetch the city name, but i am not sure how to show that. public static function table(Table $table): Table { return $table ->columns([ Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('city_id') ->searchable() ->sortable(), I did not used the relationships to get the city data. here is the code in the forms to get the city ID Forms\Components\Select::make('city_id') ->options(fn (Get $get): Collection => City::query() ->where('state_id', $get('state_id')) ->pluck('name', 'id')) ->searchable() ->preload(),
14 replies