Mike Wazowski
Mike Wazowski
Created by Mike Wazowski on 3/26/2024 in #❓┊help
Adding FileUpload::make() make the whole resource or page not accessible
Adding FileUpload::make() make the whole resource or page not accessible, as it makes the whole page loads only or stuck on loading, removing it makes the problem go away but this application was already created, it just happened recently.
5 replies
Created by Mike Wazowski on 3/5/2024 in #❓┊help
Can't Login After Clearing Config and Cache, Filament\Panel::getBrandName(): Return value must be of
I'm Having this issue on my Panel Filament\Panel::getBrandName(): Return value must be of type Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Htmlable|string, null returned, But I didn't use any Brand Name on the Custom Brand Logo.
4 replies
Created by Mike Wazowski on 2/6/2024 in #❓┊help
Set Panel (Has Authentication) to be accessed by the Public
Hi there, Would it be possible to set the Panel publicly meaning the pages there can be accessed even if the user is not logged in, but the User can still login to access additional features. I've tried to comment out some middlewares and removed the emailverification() on the panel provider - it worked but I worry there might be some issues there Is there a good or better way to do it?
2 replies
Created by Mike Wazowski on 1/16/2024 in #❓┊help
Tips and Recommendations for a Filament Application on Web Server Setup
Hi, Does Anyone have any Tips and Recommendations for a Course Management Application similar to Coursera that is made with fully with Filament on what to do on the Server Setup. My initial Planned Setup are (The expected is the App will be used with 100 concurrent users): RAM: 8 GiB CPU: 4 vCPUs Transfer Rate: 5,000 GiB Number of Servers: 1 DB: MySQL Server (On a Separate Server) I'm thinking of another Server that should be deployed, increasing the # with a load balancer but my concern there is how to make filament inline on the sessions. Thank you so much!
8 replies
Created by Mike Wazowski on 12/21/2023 in #❓┊help
Slow API and Filament App after a couple of weeks in the Live Server
Hi there, are there any similar issues or insights to what might be the issue? I have a Filament V3 App that was moved to the Production Site Last November 28, for the first week it was okay the Speed of the App and API is great! But after a couple weeks it was noticebly slow, the Requests are now minimum of almost 1 minute and the page load. This is similar to a recent Filament v3 App as well that I just put into live just last week, first it was okay but become slow as well. I've already cleared the cache, and the Server Load such as CPU, Memory is just below 1%. Thank you so much!
6 replies
Created by Mike Wazowski on 11/28/2023 in #❓┊help
UI Bug on LivewireStyle of FilamentStyle
No description
3 replies
Created by Mike Wazowski on 10/26/2023 in #❓┊help
Filament Upgrade from V2 to V3
No description
63 replies
Created by Mike Wazowski on 9/22/2023 in #❓┊help
Hide Text Form Input based on Selected Data from other Form Components
Hi there I have this codes, and I can't seem to make the expected hidden form behavior. The the other_information text input should show based on the data of the status Radio. Radio::make('status') ->options([ 0 => 'Open', 1 => 'Closed', 2 => 'Done', ]) ->default(0) ->required(), TextInput::make('other_information') ->numeric() ->visible(fn ($get) => $get('./status') < 1), Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks a bunch.
6 replies
Created by Mike Wazowski on 8/14/2023 in #❓┊help
Filament File Upload INtegration with Digital Ocean S3
3 replies
Created by Mike Wazowski on 3/30/2023 in #❓┊help
Custom login page and Add Logo on the default sidebar of Filament?
Hi, Does someone know how to add custom login page and Add Logo on the default sidebar of Filament?
29 replies