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β’Created by π
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½ on 2/11/2025 in #ββhelp
RelationManager Attach and Detach possible values
I have RoleResource, with a PermissionRelationManager.
1. I'd like to have the table in RelationManager show all possible Permissions to attach to the role, whether attached or not, instead of just those currently attached.
2. I need to be able to programmatically determine whether it's attached or not, so I can conditionally show the Attach or Detach button.
If it helps, I have an array called $permissions which contains all the permission methods defined in each Policy that I can use, I'm just not sure how/where to bind that into the table or if that's not the right way of doing it, how to adjust to show all possible with an idea of whether they're Attached or not. Cheers!
23 replies
β’Created by π
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½ on 2/5/2025 in #ββhelp
Cluster, subNav, add the CreateRecord action page to parent
This seems simple enough that I should've been able to search it, but because of the common terms it's not been getting me anywhere.
I have a Cluster, it's subNav has two modules, for each I'd like to add a simple "New $record" button under it.
I've tried
protected static bool $shouldRegisterNavigation = true;
in pages/Create$Model.php, as well as Setting the navigationGroup but the Create page doesn't show (although the List page does as per UserResource). Also the subnav isn't respecting collapsible(false) on the navigationgroup::make. Thanks!10 replies
β’Created by π
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½ on 2/5/2025 in #ββhelp
Table merging Heading and Toolbar
Essentially, I'd like $heading to show in what would otherwise be TablesRenderHook::TOOLBAR_START and headingActions to show in what would otherwise be TablesRenderHook::TOOLBAR_END, for desktop views. For mobile views I'd retain the current split view.
Is there a simple way to do that without using renderHooks? Should I be looking at using the custom livewire blade for this level of adjustment? Cheers
5 replies
β’Created by π
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½ on 1/29/2025 in #ββhelp
Customise navigationGroup->icon from Plugin?
Hello, first time poster. New to Laravel and Filament but not a complete newbie to programming/php.
What I'm trying to do:
I am creating a plugin, and it will come with Resources. I can obviously set
?string $navigationGroup
on the Resource, but per https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/panels/navigation#customizing-navigation-groups you have to set the icon in the panel settings.
What I would like to do:
Set the navigation group icon within the Plugin package, so that it doesn't need to be manually added (or added by an installcommand).
What I have tried:
I've tried searching the web, this discord, the documentation, I even chanced asking AI (so we know I was clutching at straws) and the only reference I can see is that it has to be set on the panel instantiation in the PanelProvider. I'm hoping I am just too new to the ecosystem to know of the obvious way to do this and that's why it's not stated anywhere, but if it's not possible that's fine too.13 replies