Hostinger Shared Hosting subdomain for admin panel
Wow I feel like an idiot. It wasn’t pointing to the project’s public folder. Filament is up & running now on subdomain as expected.
Thank you both so much. And sorry for the trouble.
P.d. I will probably be asking more help along the way 😅
17 replies
Hostinger Shared Hosting subdomain for admin panel
After some research, I found that there’s a specific line in Digitalocean droplets where it is still shared hosting. You have to have specific specs for it to be private and it is a bit of $.
1. Subdomain working correctly
2. Would I have to symlink it to public folder?
17 replies
Hostinger Shared Hosting subdomain for admin panel
Yup! Digitalocean is also juicy. For this and other reasons, client decided to go with hostinger. Sorry, the last part of “is never an option”, what are you referring to?
Thanks in advance.
17 replies
Hostinger Shared Hosting subdomain for admin panel
1. Got it! The reason behind it was for economic reasons
2. Noted! Thank you!
Sorry about that. 403 coming from Apache. I believe it’s for the same reasons I had it on initial deploy before adding the .htaccess in root. The only major change for apache config was adding the project root .htaccess on deploy.
17 replies