CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Ashkan on 2/21/2025 in #pages-help
is proxied domain IP resolved proximity of user location?
That's a good material I should read it to understand routing mechanism deeply. Thanks for info material
11 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Ashkan on 2/21/2025 in #pages-help
is proxied domain IP resolved proximity of user location?
Thanks for reply , I see, that was my big Q because I see requests to my workers are concentrated in a single cf server no matter where they are all requests are processed in a single server as far as I see in graphical geo request distributions.
11 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Ashkan on 2/10/2025 in #workerd-runtime
@Hard@Work , @Dan Lapid I found the
Okay, I will make a Github issue soon
10 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Ashkan on 2/10/2025 in #workerd-runtime
@Hard@Work , @Dan Lapid I found the
@Dan Lapid , The internal errors were thrown because of Invalid Arguments/Out Of Bound Array Access (90% Accurate conclusion), I had a DataView that I was passing wrong argument into it, new DataView(mBuffer, count * 2, 2) the count*2 was bigger that mBuffer length then DataView was encountering Access Out of Bound Array Access. the variable count would increase through the time and when worker was running for a long time then count exceeded from mBuffer then internal errors thrown. when I decreased or controlled Wall Time I was actually disposing worker before count reached to max size. as result, It was a XY problem. and the Wall Time working correct and my script had bug.
10 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Ashkan on 2/10/2025 in #workerd-runtime
@Hard@Work , @Dan Lapid I found the
it shows how does Wall Time controlling mitigate the internal errors
10 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Ashkan on 2/10/2025 in #workerd-runtime
@Hard@Work , @Dan Lapid I found the
No description
10 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Ashkan on 2/10/2025 in #workerd-runtime
@Hard@Work , @Dan Lapid I found the
not sure it if fixed or not, I shall check logs after 12 hours to make sure if it really fixed or not.
10 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Ashkan on 2/10/2025 in #workerd-runtime
@Hard@Work , @Dan Lapid I found the
Totally, I could resolve the problem by controlling execution Wall Time and it was the source of the internal errors
10 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Ashkan on 2/10/2025 in #workerd-runtime
@Hard@Work , @Dan Lapid I found the
I think there is a forced limitation that wasn't before because of that the internal errors came into logs
10 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Ashkan on 2/10/2025 in #workerd-runtime
@Hard@Work , @Dan Lapid I found the
Honestly I haven't seen such a insane error rate (30~40%) before since a week ago and if it aligns with a specific incident it possibly lies on February 2025 incidents. And it should be noted, within this time span I changed/add to the source code that might caused the problem.
10 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Ashkan on 2/9/2025 in #workerd-runtime
let clarify it, I want to locate the
I am working on it to reproduce it in local debugging. However, the error doesn't appear in local debugs.
2 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Ashkan on 2/10/2025 in #workerd-runtime
Internal Error Debugging
okay, I will refactor my code to see if it is the problem and keep you informed. I will contact you soon. Thank you a lot for help me. 😍
28 replies