@Hard@Work , @Dan Lapid I found the

@Hard@Work , @Dan Lapid I found the source of internal errors and reached from ~30% Error Rate to ~2% Error Rate. I am not sure if this fix is related to cloudflare back changes OR my changes in the source code. I have put the worker in the load to see if it really fix or not. if it fixed I will make a Github issue and explain the whole problem there.
6 Replies
Dan Lapid
Dan Lapid3w ago
Was there a specific timeframe in which it was ~30%? perhaps it aligns with an incident? https://www.cloudflarestatus.com/history?page=1
Cloudflare Status - Incident History
Cloudflare's Incident and Scheduled Maintenance History
AshkanOP3w ago
Honestly I haven't seen such a insane error rate (30~40%) before since a week ago and if it aligns with a specific incident it possibly lies on February 2025 incidents. And it should be noted, within this time span I changed/add to the source code that might caused the problem. I think there is a forced limitation that wasn't before because of that the internal errors came into logs Totally, I could resolve the problem by controlling execution Wall Time and it was the source of the internal errors not sure it if fixed or not, I shall check logs after 12 hours to make sure if it really fixed or not.
AshkanOP3w ago
No description
AshkanOP3w ago
it shows how does Wall Time controlling mitigate the internal errors @Dan Lapid , The internal errors were thrown because of Invalid Arguments/Out Of Bound Array Access (90% Accurate conclusion), I had a DataView that I was passing wrong argument into it, new DataView(mBuffer, count * 2, 2) the count*2 was bigger that mBuffer length then DataView was encountering Access Out of Bound Array Access. the variable count would increase through the time and when worker was running for a long time then count exceeded from mBuffer then internal errors thrown. when I decreased or controlled Wall Time I was actually disposing worker before count reached to max size. as result, It was a XY problem. and the Wall Time working correct and my script had bug.
Dan Lapid
Dan Lapid3w ago
Ah that does sound like an annoying wart, it should definitely be a js exception Mind opening a GitHub issue and we’ll get it sorted?
AshkanOP3w ago
Okay, I will make a Github issue soon

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