DTDrizzle Team
Created by tomeverson on 9/7/2023 in #help
No transactions support in neon-http driver
Any Workaround on this ?
1 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by tomeverson on 9/4/2023 in #help
Prepared Statement doesn't exist
"message": "db error: ERROR: prepared statement \"s114\" does not exist\n\nCaused by:\n ERROR: prepared statement \"s114\" does not exist"
"message": "db error: ERROR: prepared statement \"s114\" does not exist\n\nCaused by:\n ERROR: prepared statement \"s114\" does not exist"
Hi, I am making like a voting thing with many to many relationship, and this one is causing me a problem. schema.ts
export const hubVotes = pgTable(
userId: integer("UserId")
hubPostId: integer("HubId")
vote: voteEnum("Vote").notNull(),
(t) => ({
pk: primaryKey(t.userId, t.hubPostId),
export const hubVotes = pgTable(
userId: integer("UserId")
hubPostId: integer("HubId")
vote: voteEnum("Vote").notNull(),
(t) => ({
pk: primaryKey(t.userId, t.hubPostId),
route.patch("/", async (req, res) => {
const vote = req.body as NewHubVote;

console.log(req.userId, vote.hubPostId)

//* Check The Existing Vote
const existingvote = await searchHubVote(req.userId);

if (existingvote) {
//* If the vote are same, remove the votes
if ( === {
await removeHubVote({ userId: req.userId });
return res.send("OK");

await updateHubVote({
userId: req.userId,
hubPostId: vote.hubPostId,

return res.send("OK");

//* If no Vote Existed, Create a New One
await createHubVote({
userId: req.userId,
hubPostId: vote.hubPostId,

return res.send("OK")
route.patch("/", async (req, res) => {
const vote = req.body as NewHubVote;

console.log(req.userId, vote.hubPostId)

//* Check The Existing Vote
const existingvote = await searchHubVote(req.userId);

if (existingvote) {
//* If the vote are same, remove the votes
if ( === {
await removeHubVote({ userId: req.userId });
return res.send("OK");

await updateHubVote({
userId: req.userId,
hubPostId: vote.hubPostId,

return res.send("OK");

//* If no Vote Existed, Create a New One
await createHubVote({
userId: req.userId,
hubPostId: vote.hubPostId,

return res.send("OK")
I have check the payload which is also correct, and in correct type :3
5 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by tomeverson on 8/23/2023 in #help
NeonDB: Migration Taking Long
Hi, I have been using dirrzle with neon DB, and it has been a great experience. However, once I changed my schema a lil bit and migrate again, it was taking extremely long time and query is never executed. db/index.ts
import { neon, neonConfig } from "@neondatabase/serverless";
import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/neon-http";
import * as schema from "@/db/schema";
import "dotenv/config";

// create database connection

neonConfig.fetchConnectionCache = true;

const connection = neon(process.env.DATABASE_URL!);

export const db = drizzle(connection, { schema: schema });
import { neon, neonConfig } from "@neondatabase/serverless";
import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/neon-http";
import * as schema from "@/db/schema";
import "dotenv/config";

// create database connection

neonConfig.fetchConnectionCache = true;

const connection = neon(process.env.DATABASE_URL!);

export const db = drizzle(connection, { schema: schema });
import { migrate } from "drizzle-orm/neon-http/migrator";
import { neon, neonConfig } from "@neondatabase/serverless";
import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/neon-http";

import "dotenv/config";

// inspired by Raphael Moreau @rphlmr for Postgres, extended for Planetscale
const runMigrate = async () => {
if (!process.env.DATABASE_URL) {
throw new Error("DATABASE_URL is not defined");

neonConfig.fetchConnectionCache = true;

const connection = neon(process.env.DATABASE_URL!);

const db = drizzle(connection);

console.log("⏳ Running migrations...");

const start =;

await migrate(db, { migrationsFolder: "migrations" });

const end =;

console.log(`✅ Migrations completed in ${end - start}ms`);


runMigrate().catch((err) => {
console.error("❌ Migration failed");
import { migrate } from "drizzle-orm/neon-http/migrator";
import { neon, neonConfig } from "@neondatabase/serverless";
import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/neon-http";

import "dotenv/config";

// inspired by Raphael Moreau @rphlmr for Postgres, extended for Planetscale
const runMigrate = async () => {
if (!process.env.DATABASE_URL) {
throw new Error("DATABASE_URL is not defined");

neonConfig.fetchConnectionCache = true;

const connection = neon(process.env.DATABASE_URL!);

const db = drizzle(connection);

console.log("⏳ Running migrations...");

const start =;

await migrate(db, { migrationsFolder: "migrations" });

const end =;

console.log(`✅ Migrations completed in ${end - start}ms`);


runMigrate().catch((err) => {
console.error("❌ Migration failed");
"scripts": {
"start": "tsx --watch src/index.ts",
"test": "tsx src/test.ts",
"db:migrate": "drizzle-kit generate:pg",
"db:studio": "drizzle-kit studio",
"db:push": "tsx db/migrate.ts",
"db:drop": "drizzle-kit drop --config=drizzle.config.ts"
"scripts": {
"start": "tsx --watch src/index.ts",
"test": "tsx src/test.ts",
"db:migrate": "drizzle-kit generate:pg",
"db:studio": "drizzle-kit studio",
"db:push": "tsx db/migrate.ts",
"db:drop": "drizzle-kit drop --config=drizzle.config.ts"
5 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by tomeverson on 8/18/2023 in #help
ERROR: operator does not exist: uuid = character varying
export const hubPost = pgTable("HubPost", {
id: uuid("Id").defaultRandom().primaryKey(),
text: text("Text").notNull(),
title: varchar("Title", { length: 256 }).notNull(),
hub: varchar("Hub", { length: 128 }).notNull(),
authorId: uuid("AuthorId").notNull(),

export const hub = pgTable("Hub", {
id: uuid("Id").defaultRandom().primaryKey(),
name: varchar("Name", { length: 128 }).notNull(),
createdAt: timestamp("CreatedAt").defaultNow(),
creatorId: varchar("CreatorId").notNull(),

export const hubRelationsToHubPost = relations(hub, ({ many }) => ({
hubPosts: many(hubPost),

export const hubPostRelationsToHub = relations(hubPost, ({ one }) => ({
hub: one(hub, {
fields: [hubPost.hub],
references: [],
export const hubPost = pgTable("HubPost", {
id: uuid("Id").defaultRandom().primaryKey(),
text: text("Text").notNull(),
title: varchar("Title", { length: 256 }).notNull(),
hub: varchar("Hub", { length: 128 }).notNull(),
authorId: uuid("AuthorId").notNull(),

export const hub = pgTable("Hub", {
id: uuid("Id").defaultRandom().primaryKey(),
name: varchar("Name", { length: 128 }).notNull(),
createdAt: timestamp("CreatedAt").defaultNow(),
creatorId: varchar("CreatorId").notNull(),

export const hubRelationsToHubPost = relations(hub, ({ many }) => ({
hubPosts: many(hubPost),

export const hubPostRelationsToHub = relations(hubPost, ({ one }) => ({
hub: one(hub, {
fields: [hubPost.hub],
references: [],
Here is my relation, and when I tried to run a relational query, it shows this error
19 replies