Relation Manager Lifecycle Hooks
Is there a way to use a beforeUpdate hook before the relation manager form is saved? I don't seem to be able to get anything to work. I have a Checkbox list that I want to validate what gets saved to the database.
4 replies
Livewire View Not found
I have a brand new install of Laravel 11, Filament 3 and Livewire 3. I have been configuring the admin panel and everything works fine. I tried to create a simple livewire component and render it in a view. My plan to create. filament widget in it later. I have a route to the component with a render method in it but laravel cannot find the view. It is in resources/views/livewire and I reference it to livewire.view but notta . Anything to look at straight away?
3 replies
Route Problem
Hi. Been away from Filament doing other projects and have now started a new one using Laravel 11 and Filament 3. Basic install. Everything seems to have installed OK but I get a 404 not found when going to /admin/login. I get all OK from the filament install and the service provider is registered. Any idea of what this could be?
34 replies