PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by blowni on 7/2/2023 in #❓│support-pogo
pgsharp stops to function properly every an hour
Every an hour has passed my pgsharp stops to function properly. My character still auto walks but distances for eggs and buddies doesn’t count, when tapping any Pokémon it shows “ the Pokémon is too far away”, spinning a pokestop shows “the pokestop is too far away”, even Pokémon from research tasks flees away. The issue automatically fixes after restarting the app What causes this to happen?
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PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by blowni on 6/16/2023 in #❓│support-pogo
buddy doesn’t give me walking candy
It’s been happening for weeks. When the kms were reached my buddy won’t give me candy. I’m pretty sure it’s not because of exceeding the daily limit of walking candies cuz it’s either I just started the day of walking or after switching another buddy I still receive candy sometimes (not always working perfectly but still can get candies 80% of the times). But for mewtwo it’s been weeks thatI have not received any candy. I’ve tried many methods, giving it poffin or restarting the game, and the distance count either remains the same after passing the threshold or it backtracks to the distance where it started minutes ago. Is there a reason why this happened and is there a solution to it? Thanks
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