Al Elliott
Al Elliott
Created by Al Elliott on 12/4/2023 in #❓┊help
Using Tailwind & Livewire outside of Filament...
Thanks for the advice and for taking the time to reply. Really encouraging to hear this!
11 replies
Created by Al Elliott on 12/4/2023 in #❓┊help
Using Tailwind & Livewire outside of Filament...
If anyone else has this question then this is what I did. (Feel free to correct me) 1. Tested if Livewire works without me doing anything. Created a new component and tried to render in a brand new public layout. It works! Woo! 2. Spent 2 hours reading the docs on assets trying to understand how to incorporate my public facing tailwind styling with Filament. Decided life was too short and just installed tailwind as if the project didn’t already have it. Took 90 seconds and after adding the @vite() directive to my new public layout it worked like a charm. Woo^2. 3. Realised that I wouldn’t really use Alpine on its own so just didn’t change anything.
—- Is this the right way to go? Probably not. Should you do it this way? Maybe, if you’re looking for a quick and dirty way to get stuff done. Will I learn later that I’m a fool and there’s a far better way? Undoubtably (that describes my entire 6 years using Laravel) Hope this helps someone. And feel free to tell me what I’ve done wrong. I love learning.
11 replies
Created by Al Elliott on 12/4/2023 in #❓┊help
Using Tailwind & Livewire outside of Filament...
Thanks dude!
11 replies
Created by Al Elliott on 12/4/2023 in #❓┊help
Using Tailwind & Livewire outside of Filament...
Hey Leandro. Thansk for the quick reply! So even if I have Filament installed already, I should install TALL seprately in my root so I can use it in public pages? Is that right? (I'm not doubting you - just want to make sure I understand!)
11 replies