Is It Possible to Use a Single Login URL for All Roles in Filament Shield?
I have made sure the email and password to login are correct
Is this because I am using filament-shield? I use filament shield to ensure that the courier account cannot access the admin panel.
28 replies
Is It Possible to Use a Single Login URL for All Roles in Filament Shield?
when I am a courier I try to login with the admin/login url
It error like this These credentials do not match our records.
but when the courier account tries to login with the courier/login url the courier account can enter the courier panel
28 replies
Is It Possible to Use a Single Login URL for All Roles in Filament Shield?
Based on the tutorial you provided, we only need to create a LoginResponse and register it in the AppServiceProvider, right?
I suspect this Singleton has not been registered properly, why I think so because, when the admin user logs out, he does not receive the Route [login] not defined error message. according to the tutorial
28 replies
How to set the DateTimePicker in the minutes section
I have used ->minutesStep(30) but in the minutes section all the numbers still appear, I only want to display in the minutes section only minutes 30 and 00.
->minDate(now()->toDateTimeLocalString(unitPrecision: 'minute'))
->label('Pickup Befores')
9 replies